Tag: Vayikra

The Parashah of the week, Vayikra, discusses the command to wipe out the memory of Amalek, known for an unprovoked attack against the Israelites after leaving Egypt.
From March 22 to March 29, notable Jewish times include the Fast of Esther on March 21, Shabbat Zachor on March 23, Purim on March 23, and Shushan Purim on March 24.
In Parashat Emor, God restricts descendants of Aaron with physical disabilities from serving as priests in the Temple.
In the text "Korban Asham: The Sacrifice for Sacrilege (and other Sins)" by Matt Lubin, the focus is on the Korban Asham (guilt offering) as described in the opening chapters of Vayikra.
The final Torah portions of Leviticus, Behar and Behukkotai, extend the concept of sanctity from the Tabernacle to include time and place, introducing the Sabbath and Shemitah laws.