Tag: Warfare

President Biden paused a shipment of 3,500 bombs to Israel on May 7, just as the IDF mobilized into Rafah, sparking criticism from Israelis and Zionists globally.
Israel's war cabinet approved an invasion of Rafah in southern Gaza amidst ongoing fighting and diplomacy following Hamas's acceptance of a ceasefire deal with differing terms than Israel had proposed.
The debate on the ethical conduct of warfare within Jewish law is discussed in a philosophical reflection by Alex S. Ozar.
Aharon Frazer reflects on the sanctity of human life amidst violence, exploring the Torah's nuanced approach to basic human morality.
This article discusses the differing visions of the endgame of the ongoing conflict in Israel between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his far-right government, and those Israelis who are calling for a diplomatic resolution to the conflict.
This diary entry provides insight into the experience of an IDF soldier during a war.
Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari has become a popular and trusted figure in Israel as the IDF spokesperson during the recent conflict with Hamas.
While Hamas appears to have strong support in Gaza, there is actually a significant amount of resentment among the population towards the group.
This Shiur (study session) explores the question of whether Hatzalah, the emergency medical service organization, is allowed to save members of the Neturei Karta, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish group, on Shabbat.
This Shiur (lesson) discusses various halachic (Jewish legal) issues related to warfare, including the concept of collateral damage when bombing Gaza, whether a Jewish doctor can refuse to treat an injured terrorist, the permissibility of the death sentence for terrorists according to halacha, and the ethics of prisoner swaps.