Tag: White Privilege

Kathy Ottersten reflects on her experiences as a trans activist in ACT UP during the AIDS crisis.
The article discusses the similarities and differences in the experiences of Jews and Asians in countries where they have immigrated in large numbers.
The author discusses the crisis of moral legitimacy in discussions on controversial topics in academia.
The article discusses the phenomenon of "whitewashing" in which American Jews and Asian Americans are being categorized as white, erasing their unique historical experiences and challenges.
This text discusses the academic origins of the American Revolution and the subsequent rebellion within academia.
In this article, the author discusses the dangers of viewing individuals as representatives of their racial or ethnic groups, rather than as unique individuals.
In a recent episode of the NPR podcast Code Switch, the American Jewish experience of transitioning into the category of White was discussed, highlighting the complexities of Jewish identity within American definitions of race and ethnicity.
The rise of anti-Semitism amidst discussions of racism and privilege is a growing concern, particularly evident in political and social spheres like the UK's Labour Party, American universities, and social media.
The author, reflecting on the recent shooting in Charleston targeting African Americans, draws parallels to the historical Jewish experience of oppression and displacement.
The text challenges white American Jews to reconsider their views on race, pointing out the historical alliance between Jews and African Americans in fighting oppression.