Tag: Women Wage Peace

Former IDF combat soldier Elazar Weiss reflects on his personal journey from believing in Israel's just cause to empathizing with Palestinians and recognizing the shared trauma between the two peoples.
Israeli peace activist Vivian Silver, dedicated to Arab-Jewish partnership and peace, was tragically killed by Hamas terrorists.
Since October 7, amidst the ongoing conflict, six Israeli/Palestinian peace projects have been actively promoting coexistence and reconciliation in the region.
A planned anti-war protest in Tel Aviv organized by Israeli left-wing groups was canceled after the police denied the event a permit.
Lorraine Schneider, a Jewish artist, created the artwork "Primer" in 1965 during the Vietnam War, featuring the sentence "war is not healthy for children and other living things" alongside a black and white sunflower.
Despite the challenges faced by Jews in 2023, Jewish feminists continued to make strides and advocate for gender equality.
Vivian Silver, a renowned peace activist, was killed in a Hamas attack in October 2021 at Kibbutz Beeri.
Vivian Silver, a remarkable and influential individual, was mourned at her funeral in Kibbutz Gezer.
Vivian Silver, a 74-year-old Canadian-Israeli peace activist, was confirmed dead after being killed during the October 7th attack by Hamas in Kibbutz Beeri.
As Israel continues to identify the casualties and missing individuals following the Hamas invasion, stories are emerging of Americans involved in the attack.
In a discussion on the "Women's Ways of Protest" edition of the Tel Aviv Review, the hosts reflect on the director of B'Tselem urging the UN Security Council to take action against Israel to end the Occupation, the effectiveness of women's peace activism as seen in the Women Wage Peace organization's recent "March of Hope," and a study exploring why many Israelis unfriended others on Facebook during the 2014 Gaza War due to differing views being expressed authentically online.
Israel is gearing up for new elections following the 2013 elections, with concerns about the cost and focus on style over substance.