Tag: Zoom Call

Raja Khouri and Jeffrey Wilkinson, authors of the book "The Wall Between: What Jews and Palestinians Don't Want to Know About Each Other," discuss the challenging dialogue between Jews and Palestinians, highlighting the lack of understanding between the two groups.
Raef Zreik, an associate professor of Jurisprudence at Ono Academic College in Israel and a senior researcher at the Jerusalem Van Leer Institute, will be a guest speaker during a Zoom call.
Dr. Musallam Abu Khalil, a doctor working for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza, will be discussing life and death in Gaza during a special Zoom call.
There will not be a Zoom call this Friday, as the Beinart Notebook will resume the following week.
The author will be hosting a Zoom call to answer any questions, focusing on their recently published essay in the New York Times about the divide between American Jewry's liberalism and Zionism.
Avner Gvaryahu, Executive Director of Breaking the Silence, an organization of Israeli military veterans critical of the occupation, challenges the notion of Israel's military being a "moral army" in his recent essay in Foreign Affairs.
Norman Finkelstein, a child of Holocaust survivors, will be a guest on an upcoming Zoom call.
Dr. Lina Qassem-Hassan and Guy Shalev, representatives from Physicians for Human Rights Israel, will discuss the current public health crisis in Gaza during a scheduled Zoom call on Friday at noon EST.
The text notifies readers that there will not be a Zoom call this Friday.
Rabbi David Wolpe, a Visiting Scholar at Harvard Divinity School, discusses the reactions that occurred at Harvard in response to an event on October 7.
Fadi Quran, a Senior Campaigner at Avaaz and a Popular Struggle community organizer in the West Bank, will be the guest on a Zoom call.
In a Zoom call with Karen Attiah and Terrell Starr, the discussion focused on the evolving Black discourse on Israel-Palestine.
In this Zoom call, Columbia Professor Rashid Khalidi discusses the current state of Palestinian history.
The author reflects on the 100-day captivity of Israeli hostages in Gaza and discusses the relationship between supporting the hostages and supporting the ongoing war.
The text states that there will be no Zoom call this coming Friday or the following week.
Trita Parsi, executive vice president of the Quincy Institute and a renowned author, brings attention to the risks of a regional war in a discussion about the response of Iran and Israel following recent events.
In this discussion, Nadine Bahour, a Palestinian student, and Rochelle Berman, a Jewish student, discuss their experiences on American college campuses.
In this article, the authors discuss the recent destruction of Gaza and its impact on the people living there.
Gershon Baskin, an Israeli writer and activist who has been in contact with Hamas leaders and negotiating for the release of Israeli captives since 2006, discussed the fate of the current hostages in his recent column for The New York Times.
In a recent Zoom call, Joshua Leifer and Ahmed Moor discussed the potential for Jewish-Palestinian partnership after October 7.
Dana El Kurd, assistant professor of political science at the University of Richmond and author of the book "Polarized and Demobilized: Legacies of Authoritarianism in Palestine," discusses Mahmoud Abbas in a Zoom call.
This week's Zoom call features Emmanuel Shahaf and Iyad Rafidi, advocates for a single federated state in Israel and the West Bank, excluding the Gaza Strip.
Benny Morris, an Israeli historian famous for his book "The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem," discusses the legacy of 1948.
In a recent virtual conversation, Omer Bartov, Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Brown University, and Shira Klein, Associate Professor of History at Chapman University, discussed the relationship between American Jewish scholars and Israel.
In this week's Zoom call, there will be a conversation rather than a guest.