
Former New Republic editor Peter Beinart spoke at J Street's annual conference, advocating for a Zionist boycott of products from beyond the Green Line and the dismantling of Israel's chief rabbi position.
Israel recently signed a $1.6 billion arms deal with Azerbaijan, a former Soviet republic strategically located near Iran and known for its ties to Israel amidst Israeli-Iranian tensions.
Two Israeli businessmen, Rony Fuchs and Zeev Frenkiel, got involved in a $100 million financial dispute in Georgia dating back 15 years, involving an energy transportation project.
Academic oncologists in Israel who trained in the U.S. cherish the Thanksgiving celebrations they experienced there, prompting a new tradition of "seudat-hodayah" (thanksgiving feast) among oncologists and cancer patients in Israel.
Glenn Beck received the Louis D. Brandeis Award from the Zionist Organization of America, sparking mixed reactions.
Robert Blackwill, along with Walter B. Slocombe, authors of a paper titled "Israel: A Strategic Asset for the United States," argue that the alliance between the U.S. and Israel is crucial for shared national interests, citing Israel's contributions like counter-proliferation efforts, military technology, intelligence cooperation, and missile defense.
Gilad Sharon's book "Settled" delves into his father Ariel Sharon's impactful role in settlement efforts, particularly in Judea, Samaria, and other crucial areas of Israel.
Born in 1886 in Russian-ruled Poland, David Ben-Gurion played a crucial role in the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, facing numerous challenges including the need to build a nation from scratch amidst Arab hostility and international embargoes.
Edward Luttwak, a prominent academic and strategic consultant, is known for his work in military strategy, Roman and Byzantine history, and economics.
The text highlights a tense yet enlightening encounter between Israeli and Arab journalists during a workshop in Madrid, showcasing different perspectives on thorny issues like the Holocaust, terrorism, and the Arab-Israeli peace process.
Elizabeth Taylor's death prompts reflections on her remarkable life, marked by tumultuous relationships, health challenges, and enduring glamour.
The Israeli media's intense coverage of Egypt's recent events reflects Israelis' deep concerns about the potential impact on their country.
In recent years, the Palestinians have made gradual progress in building governing institutions, particularly under Prime Minister Salam Fayyad in the West Bank, leading to economic growth and improved security.
Saul Bellow's letters, showcased in the collection "Saul Bellow: Letters," offer insights into the famed writer's views and relationships throughout his life.
In a recent article on Tablet Magazine, topics discussed include an interview with Israeli opposition leader Tzipi Livni on politics and Israeli-Diaspora relations, a writer's experience of his mother becoming a stereotypical Jewish mother after he wrote a book about their family moving, a profile of choreographer Liz Lerman and her socially aware dance creations, and Liel Leibovitz's reflection on the Noah's Ark story in his Torah column, focusing on the choice of saving the cutest animal.
The text discusses how Israel, along with other nations, has struggled to grasp and adapt to the evolving landscape of global media warfare and information operations.
The text discusses the growing concern in Israel regarding the use of U.S.-supplied weapons by the Lebanese army against Israeli forces, following a deadly clash on the Israel-Lebanon border.
A recent Haaretz poll revealed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's popularity in Israel surged by 11 percent after the botched Gaza flotilla raid, with confidence in his government also rising.
Israeli President Shimon Peres, mentored by David Ben-Gurion, had a complex political career marked by distrust, frequent election losses, and a reputation as an underminer, despite later becoming a popular president with strong views on security and peace.
John Brennan, President Obama's counterterrorism advisor, has suggested reaching out to "moderate elements" within Hezbollah, a move consistent with the administration's approach to engaging with Muslim extremists rather than moderates.
Israeli entrepreneurs have found success by capitalizing on the global demand for vuvuzelas, the loud plastic horns used by South African fans during World Cup matches.
The debate surrounding Israel among American Jews has intensified, with criticism directed at advocacy groups like AIPAC and the Anti-Defamation League for their support of Israeli government policies.
The article discusses Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon after a 22-year presence in 2000, highlighting the chaotic and abrupt nature of the retreat.
The author reflects on significant numbers that have shaped his Jewish identity, ranging from experiencing a divine connection at 10 to grappling with manhood at 14, serving in the IDF at 17, engaging in activism through hunger strikes, facing healthcare costs during protests, and navigating financial transitions in Israel and the U.S.
Israeli cuisine is explored through a culinary journey in Israel, showcasing the country's transition from humble, traditional dishes to high-end, globally inspired creations.

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