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In Tel Aviv, a controversy arose over the use of a mechitzah at a religious event in Rabin Square.
The article discusses how modern warfare, particularly the Gaza-Israel conflict, is not just fought on the ground but also in cyberspace, with social media playing a crucial role in shaping public narratives.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) play a crucial role in Israeli life, but changes in Israeli society and warfare raise questions about its future.
Yuval Shany and Amichai Cohen of the Israel Democracy Institute examine the changing role of the IDF in Israeli society, questioning why there is a decline in the number of Israelis participating in the draft.
Vegan soldiers in the IDF are facing challenges with food options, especially during Shabbat, as highlighted by a recent incident where a cook prepared warm hummus for a vegan soldier on duty, resulting in the cook being disciplined for violating Shabbat regulations.
Miriam Herschlag, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss Benjamin Netanyahu's strategy of using the threat of Iran's nuclearization to strengthen ties with the Emirates and Saudi Arabia, sometimes without American involvement, raising questions about the implications of his approach.
In a podcast segment titled "The Benjamin Netanyahus New World Order Edition," Miriam Herschlag, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss Prime Minister Netanyahu's tactics of using Iran's nuclear threat to strengthen ties with the Emirates and Saudi Arabia.
In a special episode of AJC Passport titled "The Great Debate" held at the AJC Global Forum in Jerusalem, Member of Knesset Stav Shaffir of the Labor party and Mayor Oded Revivi of the West Bank settlement of Efrat debated the topic of "One State or Two States, Is There a Solution?"
The text explores the life of an olive grower in Jerusalem whose son was tragically killed in a confrontation in the West Bank.
Aharon Barak, a prominent figure in Israeli law, reshaped the country's legal landscape through bold judicial activism during his time on the Supreme Court from 1995 to 2006.
In a discussion led by Haaretz's International Director Charlotte Halle, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman, three significant topics were covered along with a heartwarming anecdote from Israel.
In the discussion on Haaretz's podcast, the hosts delve into three main topics - the use of flaming kites by Palestinians causing significant damage in Israel and the debate over labeling them as "terror kites", a controversial musical featuring Mizrahi singer Eyal Golan accused of inappropriate behavior, and the need for secular politics in Israel's local elections.
This episode discusses the complex dynamics surrounding Israeli settlements in the West Bank, focusing on the role of American Jews in the settlement movement and the implications for Israel-Diaspora relations.
Dr. Sara Yael Hirschhorn of Oxford University, author of "City on a Hilltop: American Jews and the Israeli Settler Movement," discusses the Israeli settlement enterprise, American involvement in the occupied territories, and how shifting Diaspora Jewish demographics may impact Israel's external relations.
Israel's troubled history in the World Cup is a captivating tale of political intrigue and sporting challenges.
Journalist and author Matti Friedman discusses the role of the press in covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a live episode of AJC Passport from Jerusalem.
In his controversial commencement speech at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Los Angeles, Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Michael Chabon called for breaking down barriers, including Israeli security checkpoints, and questioned traditional Jewish distinctions and practices.
Translator Jessica Cohen, who shared the 2017 Man Booker International Prize with David Grossman for translating "A Horse Walks into a Bar," discusses the complexities of translating Hebrew literature.
Michael Sfard, a prominent human rights lawyer in Israel, discusses the legal framework of Israel's military occupation of Palestinians, covering issues like deportation, settlements, and torture in his book "The Wall and the Gate."
Michael Sfard, a prominent human rights lawyer in Israel, explores the legal framework supporting the military occupation of Palestinians in his new book, "The Wall and the Gate."
Three panelists, including a lawyer and politician, a retired anthropology lecturer, and a social activist from South Africa, discuss the evolving views of South African Jews towards Israel and Zionism.
In a recent podcast episode, Noah Efron, Miriam Herschlag, and Bradley Burston discuss various topics, including a Labor Party member suggesting the annexation of settlements for peace, Lionel Messi canceling a match in Israel leading to discussions on BDS, and Michael Chabon advising against exclusivity in Judaism and Israel.
In a discussion on Israeli politics and culture, Noah Efron, Miriam Herschlag, and Bradley Burston explore various topics such as the suggestion of annexing settlements for peace, the cancellation of a sports event involving Lionel Messi over the Jerusalem location, and writer Michael Chabon's call for inclusivity and unity among Jews and Israelis.
Yossi Klein Halevi is featured in this week's AJC Passport discussing his latest book, "Letters to My Palestinian Neighbor," exploring how the narratives Israelis and Palestinians tell about their history could contribute to peace.
In this episode, Eli and Evan discuss new geopolitical developments in southern Syria involving Israel, Russia, Iran, and the Assad regime, alongside guest Elizabeth Tsurkov.

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