Tag: Afghanistan

Colonel Richard Justin Kemp, a retired British Army officer and expert on military operations, discusses the importance of Israel conducting a major offensive in Rafah to decisively eliminate Hamas's ability to threaten Israel and govern the Gaza Strip.
Since the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan two years ago, the country has largely been forgotten by the outside world.
"The Fifth Act: America's End in Afghanistan" by Elliot Ackerman is a powerful book that tells the story of the fall of Kabul and the aftermath of the United States' withdrawal from Afghanistan.
In this podcast, security expert Aaron MacLean explores the United States' credibility in the face of various conflicts.
Recent events highlighting Democratic disarray in Washington and the declining hopes in the Virginia gubernatorial race are reminiscent of Casey Stengel's frustration managing the 1962 Mets.
The myth of the Hebrew origins of the Pashtun tribes in Afghanistan is explored in this text.
Recent Congressional testimony has shed light on the mendacity of Joe Biden, establishing him as lying on par with Donald Trump in policy matters.
In a Jewish New Year special of UNHOLY featuring Gal Gadot and Sacha Baron Cohen, they select their "Mensch of the Year" while discussing President Biden and Israel PM Bennett's handling of issues like Afghanistan, Iran, and COVID.
In a recent podcast episode, the focus is on the Supreme Court's decision not to block Texas's strict abortion law, raising questions about the emergence of a new liberal grassroots movement akin to the conservative one that followed the establishment of abortion rights in the past.
In this discussion, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron explore several topics, including assessing their deeds over the past year in the spirit of Rosh Hashanah, Defense Minister Benny Gantz and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas meeting secretly, reflections on Afghanistan and its relevance to Israel, and questioning the cancellation of this year's High Holidays due to COVID, with a reference to an essay critiquing American rabbis for being overly cautious.
In this discussion, the hosts focus on three main topics: the significance of Rosh Hashanah as a time for reflecting on past deeds, Defense Minister Benny Gantz and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas meeting secretly, and the lessons Israel can learn from the situation in Afghanistan.
In this discussion, Neri Zilber explores the parallels between the American withdrawal from Afghanistan and Israel's experiences in Southern Lebanon and Gaza.
The podcast discusses the aftermath of the Afghan War and the issue of accountability for its failure.
In a podcast episode, the discussion refutes the assertion that the main goal of the US presence in Afghanistan was to establish a democratic system.
The article discusses the challenges faced by the Democratic party, including issues in Afghanistan, ongoing pandemic concerns, and the uncertainty surrounding a $3.5 trillion budget deal.
Fred Kagan discusses the geopolitical implications of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in various media outlets.
Jack Abraham, the president of Congregation Anshei Shalom, a synagogue for Afghan Jews in New York, discusses the history and future of Afghan Jews following the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan.
The podcast discusses President Biden's interview with George Stephanopoulos where he claimed to have foreseen the chaos in Afghanistan, alongside remarks by Joint Chiefs Chair Mark Milley and Defense Secretary Austin.
The podcast discusses Joe Biden's decision regarding the chaos in Afghanistan following the exit of Americans, pondering if he believes the turmoil will be temporary without leading to significant long-term consequences.
Yuval Levin, founding editor of National Affairs, discusses the situation in Afghanistan and Joe Biden's response, along with his recent article in Commentary magazine about successes in confronting COVID-19.
The Afghan government has swiftly fallen to the Taliban over a weekend.
In a discussion with Bloomberg columnist Eli Lake, the focus is on America's decision to abandon 20 years of work and progress in Afghanistan, emphasizing that this outcome was avoidable.
The text questions whether the progressive members of the House, known as the Squad, are willing to jeopardize the Biden administration's key infrastructure legislation if they don't secure their desired $3.5 trillion package.
The podcast discusses the recent events surrounding Andrew Cuomo, including his closest aide deserting him, America's withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the ongoing COVID-19 situation.
American athletes are facing challenges at the Olympics, with discussions on a podcast suggesting reasons such as a lack of psychic benefits from representing their country.