Tag: Aipac

AIPAC lobbyists are ramping up efforts on Capitol Hill to push House Republicans to pass a bipartisan $95 billion foreign aid bill that includes $14.1 billion for Israel facing threats from Hamas and Hezbollah.
In the California primary elections, Jewish Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, supported by AIPAC, advanced to the Senate runoff to replace Sen. Dianne Feinstein.
In his book "The End of Israel: Dispatches from a Path to Catastrophe," Bradley Burston criticizes Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for leading Israel towards a destructive path, desiring accusations of genocide, apartheid, and ethnic cleansing to maintain power by presenting himself as the savior against a hostile world.
The text discusses the rise of anti-Zionist sentiments within certain segments of the Jewish community, particularly among younger members who question the traditional support for Israel.
Twenty pro-Palestinian protesters affiliated with the anti-Zionist Jewish Voice for Peace were detained during demonstrations against pro-Israel lawmakers and the AIPAC lobby in New York City.
New York Rep. Jamaal Bowman, facing a strong primary challenge from a Democrat backed by AIPAC due to his stance on the Israel-Hamas war, has teamed up with Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a vocal Israel critic.
Protesters identifying themselves as Progressive Jews of St. Louis held a demonstration outside an AIPAC dinner in Jefferson City, Missouri, accusing the organization of being white supremacist antisemites.
AIPAC has raised $90 million since October 7, with donors including Rep. David Trone who pledged $100,000 last year and has received $105,600 in support from AIPAC during the current election cycle.
J Street, a liberal Israel lobby, has dropped its endorsement of New York Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman due to differences in framing and approach.
Bernie Sanders' proposed bill to condition U.S. military aid to Israel was defeated, but it sparked a discussion about Israel's actions in the Gaza war.
Israel and the United States agree that the Israel-Hamas war began with the Oct. 7 massacre, and they both believe that Hamas should be removed from power in the Gaza Strip.
The author discusses recent incidents of anti-Israel and anti-Jewish vandalism and protests, highlighting the marginalized voices of mainstream Jewish leaders and institutions in favor of a minority of Jews who represent a diversity of thought on Israel.
The text discusses the increase in anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment in recent times, highlighting incidents of violence against Jews and attacks on Jewish establishments.
Only about 10% of House Democrats have called for a ceasefire in Israel's assault on Gaza, three weeks into the conflict.
Congressman David Trone is running for U.S. Senate in Maryland and is pitching his corporate sensibility to the state's liberal Democratic base.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with ten members of the Congressional Black Caucus in Jerusalem in an attempt to improve his relationship with the Biden administration and Democrats.
A recent GOP debate discussed issues related to Israel and George Soros.
The author reflects on their longtime involvement with AIPAC and their decision to join J Street.
Rep. Shri Thanedar of Michigan, who was once opposed by AIPAC due to his past stance on Israel, recently traveled to Israel with an AIPAC-affiliated group to learn more about the country and its challenges.
A recent fundraising letter from AIPAC, a pro-Israel advocacy group, targeted J Street, a movement of pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy Americans, describing them as part of the anti-Israel fringe.
In the Democratic primary for Houston's 7th Congressional District, a far-left challenger, Pervez Agwan, is seeking to unseat moderate incumbent Rep. Lizzie Fletcher.
Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) is facing opposition from Jewish community leaders in his district for his anti-Israel stance.
Indian ethnonationalists have been learning from Israel advocates in their pursuit of political power in the United States.
The author reflects on a powerful call to action for the religious Jewish future that was prompted by a discussion at an AIPAC conference.