Tag: Alcoholism

A humorous and poignant account is given of a friendship between the writer and a former army paratrooper who is struggling with alcoholism and health issues.
The article titled "Thirteen Ways of Looking at Your Dying Mother" explores the author's personal experience of caring for their dying mother.
Joseph Roth, a Jewish author, wrote The Radetzky March, a novel about World War I and the downfall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
In this article, Rabbi Dr. Twerski discusses the concept of teshuvah (repentance) in relation to his experience treating alcoholism.
"Love in the Time of Contagion" by Laura Kipnis explores the challenges faced by couples during the COVID-19 lockdown.
The text discusses the experience of loving and losing an addict, portraying the emotional journey of the narrator whose partner struggled with addiction and ultimately died from an overdose.
Joseph Roth, a talented yet troubled writer, is described as a mournful figure by Volker Weidermann in his book "Ostend."