Tag: Andrew Cuomo

Melissa DeRosa, a former aide to Governor Andrew Cuomo, claims in her new book that the campaign to reelect former President Donald Trump orchestrated protests in Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods in New York City during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Kathy Hochul, the 57th governor of New York, had to cancel her planned trip to Israel for Thanksgiving due to her new responsibilities.
The podcast discusses Andrew Cuomo's decision to delay his resignation by fourteen days, questioning his motives and potential scheming.
Kathy Hochul, who will replace Andrew Cuomo as the governor of New York, has a longstanding relationship with the Jewish community.
In a recent emergency podcast, the discussion centered around Andrew Cuomo's resignation in light of the bipartisan nature of sex scandals.
The Democratic party is banking on the American public's appetite for a significant overhaul of the social contract through the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill, but the gamble may carry more risks than rewards.
The podcast discusses the recent events surrounding Andrew Cuomo, including his closest aide deserting him, America's withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the ongoing COVID-19 situation.
In a recent podcast episode, the discussion focuses on the reaction of some Democratic legislators to President Joe Biden's actions that were deemed as usurping legislative authority.
Karol Markowicz discusses the serious allegations against Andrew Cuomo regarding his treatment of women, the significance of a less radical candidate winning an Ohio Democratic primary, and the Biden administration's support for the continuation of an unconstitutional rental moratorium.
Alessandra Biaggi, a progressive lawmaker representing parts of the Bronx and Westchester in the New York State Senate, has emerged as a leading voice in Albany.
The text discusses how prominent Democrats like Joe Biden, Stacey Abrams, Andrew Cuomo, and Randi Weingarten are advocating for policies on guns, illegal immigration, and schooling that may be perceived as too extreme by some, potentially alienating centrist voters.
The text discusses how President Biden's administration addressed issues that arose from statements made by his homeland security secretary implying leniency towards illegal border crossings.
In this podcast episode, discussions range from a demonstration attended by Christine, where liberals liken the Biden administration to Christmas every day, to Andrew Cuomo using intimidating tactics through a subordinate on New York state politicians, and the ongoing lack of diversity in the Oscars.
The podcast discusses Joe Biden's recent pandemic speech, questioning whether his cautious tone is aimed at managing expectations to claim successes or to maintain control until the virus recedes.
In a recent podcast, the discussion touches on the transformation of social media into a platform for cruelty and its allure to many users.
The podcast discusses the recent $1.9 trillion relief and stimulus bill, marking a return to the era of big government.
The podcast discusses the potential downfall of Andrew Cuomo due to sexual harassment allegations, questioning whether this issue might overshadow the previous nursing-home scandal.
In this podcast episode, the discussion revolves around Andrew Cuomo's recent sexual harassment scandal involving an aide in Albany, highlighting the consequences of his actions.
The podcast discusses the contrasting situations of Andrew Cuomo and Ted Cruz, with Cuomo facing criticism as his once positive image tarnishes, while Cruz is under fire for taking a controversial trip during a crisis in his state.
The text raises questions about Joe Biden's recent anti-Israel personnel decisions at the State Department and his refusal to engage with Benjamin Netanyahu.
The podcast discusses the ongoing impeachment trial and questions the strength of the Democratic case on the third day of proceedings.
The leading Democratic candidates running for mayor of New York City are mostly opposed to the BDS movement, with seven out of eight candidates saying they would consider visiting Israel if elected.
In this podcast discussion, the topic of a potential negotiation between President Biden and ten Republicans regarding bipartisan COVID relief is raised.
In this podcast episode, the focus is on criticizing Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York, for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, with a fellow Democrat blowing the whistle on him.
The podcast discusses criticism of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, the headline writing in the New York Times, and the views of some Democratic officials on Israel and the Palestinians.