Tag: Benny Gantz

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has disbanded the war cabinet established during the Israel-Hamas conflict following the exit of centrist Defense Minister Benny Gantz's party from the coalition.
The podcast discusses a daring Israeli hostage rescue operation followed by increasing Hezbollah rocket fire, Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot's departure from Israel's war cabinet, and tension between Benjamin Netanyahu and the Supreme Court regarding ultra-orthodox military service exemption.
In this episode, Linda Gradstein, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron discuss the rescue of hostages from Gaza, Benny Gantz's departure from the government, and the celebration of Shavuot in Israel after months of war.
Benny Gantz, a key figure in the Israeli war cabinet, has resigned, leading to speculation on whether Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will survive politically.
Over a dramatic weekend in Israel, the IDF successfully rescued four hostages in Gaza, generating euphoria followed by mourning for a fallen officer.
Benny Gantz's departure from the coalition government has raised questions about the future of Israeli politics, particularly regarding the decisions to be made in the aftermath of the recent conflict and potential conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon.
Former Defense Minister Benny Gantz has resigned from Israel's war cabinet, signaling a potential challenge to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's leadership amid crumbling unity in response to the war against Hamas.
Benny Gantz, a key moderate figure in the Israeli government, resigned, leaving Netanyahu without a centrist partner and potentially leading to early elections.
Israeli forces successfully rescued four hostages, including Noa Argamani, who had been held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip since Oct. 7.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to address the U.S. Congress on July 24 for the fourth time amid the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza and potential International Criminal Court issues.
Israel is considering a ceasefire proposal, involving staged releases of hostages and prisoner exchanges with Hamas, brokered through the Qataris and supported by Joe Biden.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces strong criticism from various quarters for his conservative politics, alliances with right-wing parties, corruption charges, and perceived prioritization of power over national interests.
The article discusses the tumultuous political climate in Israel during a summer session marked by internal strife despite an ongoing war.
President Biden has faced challenges trying to influence Israeli policies, particularly regarding Gaza and Netanyahu's government.
Benny Gantz, the leader of Israel's National Unity Party, issued an ultimatum to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, demanding a new war strategy or his resignation, setting the stage for potential government instability and early elections.
Yonit and Jonathan discuss the recent intense ceremonial days in Israel, including a split-screen Independence Day, a notable Memorial Day address, and the absence of the prime minister.
The text discusses the internal political tensions within the Israeli government during the recent conflict with Hamas.
The text discusses the complex relationship between the U.S., Israel, and key political figures like Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz.
Israel's military operation in Gaza seems to be ending prematurely due to pressure from the US and other allies, despite not achieving its war aims of destroying Hamas and rescuing hostages.
Recent political divisions in Israel are resurfacing after a period of unity following a series of attacks.
Anshel Pfeffer discusses Benny Gantz's potential exit from the government, highlighting Gantz's dilemma and the possibility of early elections in September.
Colonel Richard Justin Kemp, a retired British Army officer and expert on military operations, discusses the importance of Israel conducting a major offensive in Rafah to decisively eliminate Hamas's ability to threaten Israel and govern the Gaza Strip.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has criticized Chuck Schumer's call for new elections in Israel as inappropriate, amidst escalating tensions with President Joe Biden's administration over the handling of the conflict with Hamas.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer harshly criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, stating that his outdated policies no longer serve Israel's best interests, particularly in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Ruthie Blum discusses the Biden administration's strained relations with Benny Gantz and ceasefire negotiations, Bibi's political future, Israeli public sentiment, and reasons behind the delay in the Rafah offensive.