Tag: Bethlehem

The video discusses Israel's control over Bethlehem and Hebron following the Six Day War in 1967 and the historical significance of these areas to the Jewish People.
Tucker Carlson, known for his America First stance, criticized Israel for mistreating Christians, interviewing Pastor Munther Isaac who lives under the Palestinian Authority.
The article discusses the ongoing debate surrounding UNRWA, the United Nations aid agency for Palestinians, as it faces accusations of staff involvement in recent conflicts and funding cuts from various countries.
This article discusses the frustration and anger felt by the author regarding portrayals of Jesus as a Palestinian.
New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez faced criticism for her Christmas message comparing Jesus to Palestinians, which some argued invoked the historic charge that Jews killed Jesus.
In a recent speech, Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of ruining Christmas and killing Palestinian children.
In this personal narrative, the author, a Jewish young man from Milwaukee, is living alone and feeling homesick for Christmas in Jerusalem in 1958.
Abdelfattah Abusrour, the founder and director of the Alrowwad Cultural and Arts Society, discusses the concept of "beautiful resistance" in the context of the Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem.
In their book Reading Ruth: Birth, Redemption, and the Way of Israel, Leon Kass and Hannah Mandelbaum provide a commentary on the biblical book of Ruth.
The article explores the friendship between Ruth and Naomi in the book of Ruth.
"Omar" and "Bethlehem" were both nominees for the best foreign film Oscar, focusing on the complex relationship between Palestinian informers and Israeli handlers, but "Omar" was chosen over "Bethlehem." "Omar" directed by Hany Abu-Assad portrays a Palestinian bread baker in love with his friend's sister, while "Bethlehem," directed by Yuval Adler, gives a nuanced look at the relationship between an Israeli agent and a young Palestinian.