Tag: Boro Park

Rav Moshe Wolfson, a revered figure in Torah and chasidus, passed away at the age of 99, leaving a profound impact on the Jewish community in Boro Park and beyond.
Moishele Alfonso recounts the heartwarming tale of his unexpected bond with a Hasidic Jewish woman named Rivke in Miami.
Rabbi Moshe Sherer was a key figure in the establishment and growth of Agudath Israel of America.
In the ultra-Orthodox enclave of Boro Park, Brooklyn, diverse Hasidic groups settled in the mid-20th century, leading to the neighborhood transforming into a hub of Hasidic life.
The kosher toy industry, exemplified by stores like Wise Buys and Double Play Toys, caters to the Orthodox community seeking toys that reflect their religious values while avoiding mainstream influences like television and secular movies.