Tag: Celebration

The article discusses the author's evolving perspective on attending weddings and celebrations, particularly focusing on the Jewish tradition of rejoicing with the bride and groom as a mitzvah.
A detailed explanation of the Jewish tradition of Shabbat, including its significance, practices, and rituals.
Israeli Independence Day celebrations this year were marked by a somber mood due to the aftermath of a devastating Hamas attack and the ongoing war in Gaza.
The video discusses being a Shabbat guest and includes topics like hostess gifts, sourdough, food, meal prep, and recipes.
In New York City, Purim celebrations for 2024 offer a variety of events including traditional megillah readings, masquerade parties, Purim plays, and family-friendly activities.
The author expresses the difficulty in discussing homosexuality, as it has evolved in society from being taboo to being celebrated.
Tu Bishvat, known as the birthday of trees, is a low-stress holiday for Jewish parents.
The text discusses eight delicious doughnut recipes for celebrating Chanukah, offering a variety of options for this traditional holiday treat.
The author reflects on the Hanukkah lesson learned from her mother - to shine her bright Jewish light and show the world who she is and what she believes in.
Learn how to create a festive pull-apart pizza menorah for Hanukkah using simple ingredients and a special seasoning.
The author explores the question of why Israelis continue to get married despite the ongoing war and terror.
Simchat Torah celebrations in the US were overshadowed by anxiety and sadness due to the ongoing conflict in Israel.
Honey sommeliers, similar to wine sommeliers, exist to help navigate the complex world of honey.
The Promised Podcast extends New Year wishes for a year filled with positivity and good things after a momentous period in the Jewish community.
In this discussion, readers are asked to share what they are cooking or eating for the holiday of Shavuot or the long weekend.
In a podcast episode discussing the significance of Yom Haatzmaut, Israeli Independence Day, a group consisting of Allison, Don, Ohad, Amit, Linda, Jeremy, and Noah reflect on what the occasion means to them as Israel marks its 74th anniversary.
In a recent podcast episode, the decision of the Republican National Committee (RNC) to withdraw from the presidential-debate commission system is discussed alongside the outrage sparked by an offensive pre-Passover op-ed in The New York Times, which erroneously portrayed Judaism as a celebration of mass murder.
This podcast episode delves into the topic of evaluating historical evidence, particularly through examining the celebration of the Besht's birthday on the 18th of Elul.
In honor of Yom Ha-Atzmaut, Israeli Independence Day, this edition features stories about what the day signifies for us.
The 73rd edition of a publication celebrates Yom Ha-Atzmaut, Israeli Independence Day, by sharing personal stories about its significance and featuring classic Israeli songs performed by a new generation.
In "Chrismukkah in Texas," the Essinger family in Texas celebrates a hybrid Christmas and Hanukkah with a blend of traditions.
Learn how to make a delicious Tzimmes dish to celebrate the New Year with this video tutorial.
A Jewish magazine is inviting readers to share their personal milestones and events from the year 5776 in a special feature reminiscent of traditional synagogue newsletters.
A couple shares their journey of evolving their Purim tradition from giving out simple mishloach manot to creating a humorous Purim newsletter over the years.