Tag: Charedi Community

The controversy surrounding an "Antisemitic" cartoon in Mekor Rishon depicts a charedi yeshiva student atop a wounded soldier, highlighting the exemption of charedim from IDF service and their belief that Torah study protects soldiers.
The Conservative Party has included in their election manifesto a proposal to lift restrictions on entry to faith free schools, allowing them to admit pupils solely based on religion.
Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, an esteemed Rosh Yeshiva in Israel, is facing criticism for his staunch opposition to allowing Charedi students to be drafted into the IDF, leading to financial crises in yeshivos due to revoked government funding.
The article discusses how Torah, while considered an elixir of life when approached correctly, can become a deadly poison when misinterpreted or misapplied.
Rabbi Dovid Bashevkin suggests that Modern Orthodoxy (MO) in America may need to embrace Kabbalah and Chassidus to survive; contrasting MO's less stringent observance with the Charedi community's dedication to Halacha and Jewish studies, the author argues that the future of Judaism lies with the right-wing Centrists or Charedim due to their commitment and growing numbers.
The text discusses the lack of concern and gratitude for the IDF among the charedi community in Israel.
Rabbi Dr. Natan Slifkin responds to an article in Mishpacha Magazine discussing the charedi avoidance of army service, critiquing the interview with Rav Yitzchok Berkovits of Aish HaTorah.
The text discusses a controversial statement made by Rabbi Tzvi Friedman of the Yerushalmi Peleg movement, who expressed a preference for his grandchildren to eat pork or be murdered by Hamas rather than serving in the IDF.
The discussion highlights instances of controversial comments and perspectives surrounding the Israel-Gaza conflict.
Amidst the debate over the charedi (ultra-Orthodox) community's exemption from military service in Israel, Sefardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef suggested that charedim might leave the country rather than be drafted, prompting public responses suggesting support for their departure.
The article discusses the contradiction within the Charedi community in Israel regarding their beliefs in divine providence and the importance of taking practical actions, particularly in the context of elections.
Leading Charedi rabbis in London have strongly opposed new regulations aimed at overseeing yeshivot and out-of-school education, viewing it as a threat to their traditional system.
The Israeli society is facing a crisis in manpower for the IDF, exacerbated by the reluctance of the charedi community to share the burden of military service, causing resentment among other Israelis.
In a surprising act of kindness, the Satmar chasidim provided food to a group of IDF soldiers who were stuck without supplies for Shabbat.
Sir Martyn Oliver, the new chief inspector of Ofsted, has put inspections on hold to provide additional training for staff on the impact of inspections on teacher well-being.
The text discusses the issue of military service in the Israeli charedi (ultra-Orthodox) community and the moral and Torah-based arguments surrounding it.
Conservative MP Flick Drummond is reintroducing a bill to register children educated at home or in yeshivot, prompting concerns from Charedi campaigners like Rabbi Asher Gratt over the lack of a legal definition for suitable education.
The Letter of the Mothers is a public letter written by Dr. Tehila Elitzur, a Torah teacher at Herzog College, addressed to the mothers of ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students.
In this letter from an IDF combat soldier in Gaza, the author expresses their belief that army service is essential for every Jew.
Rabbi Shai Graucher, known for his close association with Rav Chaim Kanievsky and his works on his teachings, has garnered praise for his tremendous acts of kindness during the war.
The article discusses several reasons why Harvard University President Claudine Gay should resign, including her refusal to address calls for genocide against Jews in a Congressional hearing and recent plagiarism accusations.
The author highlights that the Jewish world is currently experiencing unprecedented events, such as the increase in antisemitism, the divisiveness between different Jewish groups, and the unity that has emerged as a result of these tragedies.
In this article, the author discusses the response of the charedi Jewish community to controversial statements made by one of their rabbinic figures, Rav Bunim Schreiber.
The author addresses criticisms of their posts on the lack of charedi (ultra-Orthodox) involvement in the war efforts.
Triumph of the Spirit 360 is a virtual reality (VR) film that offers a unique, immersive tour of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.