Tag: Chicago

Masa Madres, a popular Jewish bakery in Chicago, has found success by merging Jewish and Mexican flavors in their pastries.
In this article, Tamar Manasseh discusses her plans for observing Yom Kippur in Englewood, a neighborhood in Chicago that has experienced a significant amount of violence.
In this personal reflection, the author describes his relationship with his father, who was a self-made man in the dry cleaning business.
Rep. Danny Davis, a progressive Democrat from Chicago, is facing a challenge from Kina Collins, a gun violence and healthcare activist, in the 2022 midterms.
Rabbi Robert Marx, who died at the age of 93, was a prominent figure in social justice activism in Chicago.
In this podcast episode, the focus is on President Biden's flurry of executive orders, his support for critical race theory, and the stance of teachers' unions, particularly in Chicago, on reopening schools only when they deem it safe.
The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed Jewish chefs to get creative with new pop-up concepts and inventive delis.
Tamar Manasseh, a Black Jewish woman, took it upon herself to tackle gun violence in her community by setting up a presence on a street corner in Englewood, Chicago, where a young mother had been shot and killed.
The text discusses the experiences of a biracial Jewish woman who faced racism and ignorance within Jewish spaces, including being mistaken for the help and treated as an outsider in both black and Jewish communities.
In 1968, Ramparts magazine, led by Warren Hinckle III, engaged in groundbreaking investigative journalism and advocacy against government malfeasance and the Vietnam War.
Leah Sarna, a student at Yeshivat Maharat, discusses the controversy surrounding female ordination in Orthodox Judaism and shares her future role at an Orthodox congregation in Chicago.
"Saul Bellow: Letters," edited by Benjamin Taylor, offers an intimate look into Bellow's life and career, detailing the challenges he faced in his writing journey, from initial rejections to critical acclaim.
The Association for Jewish Studies is hosting its annual meeting in Chicago, featuring numerous panels and presentations covering a wide range of topics related to Jewish studies across different disciplines, regions, and time periods.