Tag: Chocolate

This article introduces a recipe for barbecue smores pizza, a delightful twist on the classic smores treat.
This text provides a recipe for making salted caramel chocolate matzah brittle by Matty from Mattys Kitchen.
This recipe shared by Victoria Prever resembles the flavors of Toblerone with honey, chocolate, and almonds.
This recipe describes how to make a large party-sized rocky road hamantaschen, a chocolate-filled pastry traditionally eaten during the Jewish holiday of Purim.
This recipe presents a simple and delicious way to make overnight chocolate and orange oats for breakfast.
In this recipe from The Jewish Table, the author provides a simple and delicious recipe for Spiced Gelt Hot Chocolate, just in time for Hanukkah.
The history of modern chocolate is intertwined with Jewish contributions.
Martha Stewart presents a recipe for Matzo S'mores that combines matzo, chocolate, and marshmallows to create a new Passover treat.
The article by Eileen Goltz discusses the evolution of Purim shalach manot treats, focusing on chocolate as a star ingredient this year.