Tag: Civil Society

In his book "The Adjectival Liberal and The Kingship of God," Michael Walzer proposes defending liberalism not as an overarching ideology, but as a way of being.
The author reflects on the challenging times in the Middle East but emphasizes the importance of creating joy for both Arab and Jewish citizens.
The recent massive protests in Israel have caused Netanyahu's government to halt its judicial reform plans temporarily.
The recent protests in Israel have led to a pause in the government's judicial reform, raising questions about whether the current government can be trusted to implement necessary reforms.
The concept of the liberalism of permanent minorities, as proposed by Judith Shklar, challenges our common understanding of minorities and majorities.
Dr. Nora Derbal, a scholar of Islamic Studies, examines the topic of charity in Saudi Arabia and its relation to civil society under authoritarian rule.
Dr. Nora Derbal, an Islamic Studies scholar, explores the role of charity in Saudi Arabia within an authoritarian system in her book "Charity in Saudi Arabia: Civil Society Under Authoritarianism."
The Russian government's crackdown on civil society, independent media, and human rights organizations has resulted in the exodus of many prominent figures in Russia.
Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz has declared six Palestinian human rights organizations as terrorist groups, putting them at severe risk.