Tag: Civilian Casualties

In a response to Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove's suggestions for talking about Israel with those holding different views, Diane Shane Fruchtman critiques the assumptions underlying the proposed questions as patronizing and ungenerous.
Former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S., Michael Oren, highlights a shift in the relationship between Israel and the Biden administration since the Gaza conflict, attributing changes to political considerations, particularly concerning the Arab American and Muslim vote in Michigan.
In a recent article, the author criticizes U.S. President Joe Biden for expressing frustration with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his military tactics in Gaza.
South Africa has brought charges of genocide against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), a move which the author finds absurd.
Nine Israeli soldiers, including six in a single incident, were killed in Gaza during fighting as Israel announced a new, more targeted phase of its campaign.
The text discusses the portrayal of Israel as inhumane during the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arguing that Israel is actually conducting one of the most humane wars in recent memory.
The author argues that Palestinians' support for Hamas' actions and celebration of violence against Israel indicates a deep-seated hatred.
The article discusses the conflict in Gaza and asserts that Israel is not to blame for the high number of Palestinian casualties.
In this article, Aryeh Klapper revisits Rav Shaul Yisraeli's analysis of civilian casualties in the context of halakhah (Jewish law) and ethics.
This text discusses the difficult situation faced by Israel during the war in Gaza.
The Biden administration has invoked emergency powers to expedite the sale of tank shells to Israel, bypassing Congressional review.
This text discusses the relationship between President Biden and Prime Minister Netanyahu, with a focus on recent criticism of Netanyahu during the conflict between Israel and Hamas.
This text discusses the blame placed on Israel in the context of the recent conflict with Hamas in Gaza.
As the Israel-Hamas War continues into a new phase, there is a growing divide between Israeli and North American Jewish viewpoints.
Progressive Jewish organization J Street has threatened to withdraw its support for Israel's military campaign in Gaza unless meaningful changes are made to the government's conduct and attitudes.
The author expresses anger at Israel's failures to anticipate a massacre by Hamas, react quickly, and prioritize security.
The author expresses frustration and concern about what they perceive as bias against Israel in a recent interview on CBS's Face the Nation.
This Shiur (study session) explores the question of whether Hatzalah, the emergency medical service organization, is allowed to save members of the Neturei Karta, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish group, on Shabbat.
The article discusses the moral dilemma Israel faces in attacking military targets located in civilian areas, specifically focusing on the recent raid on Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.
The article discusses the controversy surrounding the tearing down of posters displaying the faces of Israeli citizens who have been kidnapped by Hamas militants.
The episode features a discussion between Shanie Reichman and Neri Zilber regarding the current phase of the Israel-Hamas conflict, focusing on Israel's ground offensive, ceasefire calls, Netanyahu's strategy, civilian casualties in Gaza, escalating settler violence in the West Bank, and an ongoing hostage crisis.
In this article, the author addresses the use of the term "genocide" to describe Israel's military operations in Gaza.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has rejected calls for a ceasefire in the country's war against Hamas, which he refers to as a "battle of civilization against barbarians."
In this personal essay, Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib shares his experience of the recent Israeli airstrike that destroyed his family home in Gaza.
During his visit to Israel amidst the ongoing conflict with Hamas, U.S. President Joe Biden assured Israels war cabinet that the United States will continue to support and defend Israel.