Tag: Civilian Casualties

Rabbi Shlomo Brody discusses Jewish military ethics with host Jonathan Silver, focusing on the Jewish tradition's views on conducting war, including the use of force proportional to the threat and the balance between collateral damage and force protection.
The text discusses the harmful actions of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, who's mentioned as showing a cold disregard for civilian lives in Gaza, exploiting civilian casualties as an advantage for Hamas during conflicts with Israel.
The article discusses the media's complicity in perpetuating biased narratives regarding the recent events in Gaza, particularly focusing on Hamas's strategy of using civilians as human shields and sacrificing them for their own gain.
The text expresses a mix of emotions upon hearing about the daring rescue of Israeli hostages, including pride, joy, relief, and sorrow for those still held and killed by Hamas.
The text criticizes the BBC for alleged antisemitism in its reporting on Israeli strikes in Gaza, highlighting a biased narrative against Israel.
Families of victims from the Oct. 7 attack in Israel, including peace activists killed by Hamas, are pleading for peace and condemning the ongoing violence in the region.
A journalist who visited Israel after the October 7 massacre recounts a troubling and tense atmosphere in the country.
A Jewish columnist reflects on the emotional toll of supporting Israel's war efforts in the face of civilian casualties, particularly in the aftermath of a tragic incident in Rafah where many innocent Palestinians were killed in an Israeli airstrike targeting Hamas terrorists.
The text discusses Israel's struggle in the international public relations sphere amid conflicts with Hamas in Gaza.
An Israeli Defense Forces strike in Rafah, targeting Hamas leaders, resulted in the deaths of dozens of people in a displaced persons camp.
The article argues that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are successfully applying unique operational tactics in Gaza to achieve their strategic aims of defeating Hamas and securing the border.
President Biden's recent actions regarding arms sales to Israel have raised questions about his stance on the country's defense.
In a recent New York Times column, Nicholas Kristof criticized Israel's actions in Gaza, highlighting the death of a Gazan boy due to malnutrition.
The State Department released a report acknowledging that Israel likely violated international law in Gaza, pointing out incidents inconsistent with humanitarian law.
Rabbi and scholar Shlomo Brody discusses Jewish military ethics, particularly focusing on the ethics of fighting in war as seen through the Jewish tradition and the Israeli military's historical experience, in his new volume on the subject titled Ethics of Our Fighters.
New York Congressman Mike Lawler maintains his belief that President Biden is a friend of Israel but criticizes Biden's decision to withhold military aid, citing concerns about civilian casualties in Gaza.
The text emphasizes the moral imperative of fully supporting Israel, rejecting comparisons of Zionism to Nazism and underscoring Israel's treatment of its Arab citizens as fundamentally different from apartheid.
The text discusses the surge of anti-Israel protests on college campuses, fueled by student outrage over civilian casualties in the conflict with Hamas.
Six months after the October 7 massacre where a significant loss of Jewish lives occurred, and six months of hostages being held, there is a call to remember how the current conflict in Gaza began with Hamas's actions.
The text discusses the perception of Israel and the Jewish people, particularly by those on the political left, as being morally inferior due to biases in media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu acknowledged that Israel's military was responsible for a strike that killed seven World Central Kitchen humanitarian aid workers delivering food in Gaza, despite coordination with the army.
In "Ethics of Our Fighters: A Jewish View of War and Morality," Shlomo M. Brody examines the ethical considerations surrounding warfare from a Jewish perspective.
Ben Shapiro retweeted former US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, who emphasized the strong unity and morale in Israel during the conflict with Hamas, highlighting Israeli opposition to a Palestinian state and widespread support for the war effort.
The article discusses the challenges Israel faces in the media regarding its conflict with Hamas.
The United States blocked a UN Security Council resolution blaming Israel for deaths during a humanitarian aid delivery in Gaza.