Tag: Conflict

Raja Khouri and Jeffrey Wilkinson, authors of the book "The Wall Between: What Jews and Palestinians Don't Want to Know About Each Other," discuss the challenging dialogue between Jews and Palestinians, highlighting the lack of understanding between the two groups.
The text discusses the current tensions between Israel and Hezbollah, focusing on the question of whether Hezbollah seeks a full-scale confrontation with Israel and Israel's readiness for a potential conflict.
Yoram Schweitzer, an expert on Palestinian and Lebanese terror groups, emphasizes on the Haaretz Podcast that Israel must first resolve its conflict with Hamas to prevent a wider war with Hezbollah in Lebanon.
The text discusses the role of religion on the battlefield.
The video explores the reasons behind the Israeli left's support for the security barrier around the West Bank amid rising conflicts and terrorism.
The author shares a personal account of losing 31 family members in Gaza due to Israeli bombardments and highlights the devastating impact of the conflict on civilian lives.
An analysis of why both Israelis and Palestinians opposed the Peace Process in the 1990s despite its promising start.
The text criticizes the trend of sharing posts like "All Eyes on Rafah" on Instagram as a superficial way of appearing to care about conflicts like the one in Israel.
The video discusses the unique challenges and shifting tactics the IDF faces in urban warfare environments, particularly in Gaza.
The video discusses Hezbollah's pride in launching attacks on Israeli communities.
Amidst disagreements over Israel and heightened emotions, the Passover Seder offers a platform to navigate differing perspectives and foster empathy.
The Israeli Defense Forces are facing threats from Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran, leading to the need for careful allocation of forces.
Many Israelis are feeling scared and abandoned by their own government amid ongoing conflicts with Hamas and Hezbollah.
In a recent podcast episode, concerns are raised about the Biden administration's response to a tragic incident involving an Israeli attack on a food convoy.
The article discusses incidents of Israeli soldiers engaging in sexual humiliation by posing with and wearing Palestinian women's lingerie, sharing these images on social media during the conflict in Gaza.
The author discusses the importance of prominent Jewish figures opposing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to combat anti-Semitism in the U.S., providing temporary relief for Jewish communities.
In a discussion focusing on the language used in media coverage of Israel and Palestine, the choice of words like apartheid, settler colonialism, and human shields sheds light on differing perspectives.
The article discusses the challenges of teaching about Israel during times of war, sharing the experiences of an Israel educator amid recent tragic events.
A recent missile strike from Lebanon into Israel resulted in the death of 1 Thai worker and injured 7 others, increasing concerns of a broader conflict.
A longstanding conflict between the Israeli army and the Charedi community, centered on exemptions for Torah study, has intensified with the recent Gaza war and the army's manpower shortage.
Six U.S. House Democrats, including Rosa DeLauro, raised concerns about Prime Minister Netanyahu's alleged disregard for Palestinian lives during a recent visit to Israel organized by J Street.
The essay discusses the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, focusing on the argument that the Palestinians had no choice but to resort to violence due to the alleged injustices of the Israeli occupation.
The text delves into the complex relationship between Yishmael and the Jewish people, drawing parallels between historical events and current struggles with modern-day Palestinians.
The author reflects on their visits to Gaza, highlighting the contrasting realities of wealth and poverty in the region.
In a discussion with Jonathan Silver, Ray Takeyh sheds light on what Iran wants in the ongoing war in the Middle East.