Tag: Conflict

The conflict and tragedy in Ukraine have resonated deeply with Jews due to various reasons.
The author argues that the US has played a role in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia by using Ukraine as a weapon against Russia, destabilizing the region and putting Ukrainian lives at risk.
In this episode, the discussion revolves around the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem, which has become a significant point of contention in the conflict over Jewish control of Jerusalem.
The podcast discusses the aftermath of the Afghan War and the issue of accountability for its failure.
In this story set during World War II, a group of American soldiers stumbles upon a bombed farm in France.
In a series of lectures titled "The Neutral," French literary theorist Roland Barthes explores the value of neutrality and the ways in which people seek relief from conflicts and intolerant claims.
This episode delves into the Vilna Gaon's criticism of Beshtian Chassidus, focusing on accusations of revealing explanations in Torah against Halacha and possible links to changes in prayer.
In this discussion, host Shanie Reichman is joined by Ilan Goldenberg to explore U.S. strategies for maintaining calm amidst the ongoing violence in Israel and the Palestinian territories.
In this episode of Unorthodox, the hosts discuss the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza.
Comedian Simon Rakoff is noted for shifting from his usual comedic tone to engage in serious discussions about the ongoing violence in Israel and Palestine.
This text provides a personal account of the author's experience during rocket attacks in Tel Aviv.
In the first episode of the Terrestrial Jerusalem podcast series, Evan Gottesman and Daniel Seidemann discuss the reasons behind the ongoing conflict over Jerusalem.
In this podcast episode, Dalia Dassa Kaye, a scholar from the Wilson Center, explores the ongoing conflict between Israel and Iran and its implications for the Biden administration and the Gulf Arab states.
In this lecture by R. Joseph Dweck, the roots of the conflict in the Hanukkah story are explored.
The discussion revolves around the conflicting interests in American cities regarding reopening amid the pandemic, with a focus on how elected officials may be favoring privileged Democratic constituencies over others.
The European Union is grappling with its approach towards Israel and Palestine in the context of the stagnant peace process.
Evan Gottesman discusses Israel's actions against Iranian proxies in Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq with Sima Shine from the Institute for National Security Studies.
David A. Halperin and Michael Koplow discuss the conflict in Gaza and the U.S. recognition of Israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights, analyzing how these issues resonate with Israeli voters ahead of the Knesset election on April 9.
In a discussion by Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman, they touch on three main topics: PM Netanyahu's role in preventing war in Gaza, tensions within Israel's right-wing government over a cease-fire with Hamas, and the influence of women in promoting peace between Jews and Palestinians.
Einat Wilf, a former Member of Knesset, emphasizes in her book "War of Return" the importance of recognizing that Palestinian refugees, as traditionally defined, do not have the right to return to their pre-1948 homes.
In her book "War of Return," former Member of Knesset Einat Wilf emphasizes that acknowledging Palestinian refugees' lack of right to return to their pre-1948 homes is crucial to ending the conflict.
In a podcast episode, Evan Gottesman from Israel Policy Pod discusses with Dave Harden, former assistant administrator for USAID's Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance, whether American aid to the Palestinians has come to an end.
The text explores the life of an olive grower in Jerusalem whose son was tragically killed in a confrontation in the West Bank.
Amid Israel's involvement in the Azeri-Armenian conflict over Ngorno-Karabakh, it maintains a strategic balance, considering its alliance with Azerbaijan for defense interests and its stance on potential diplomatic entanglements with Russia due to conflicting interests.
The text discusses the complex historical and contemporary role of Ukrainian Jews in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, highlighting their involvement in the Maidan protests, the presence of controversial nationalist groups with anti-Semitic histories in Ukrainian politics, and instances of anti-Semitic violence in Ukraine.