Tag: Conflict

In this episode of Home Front, it is argued that Israel cannot afford to align itself with America's obsession with the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Teachers in Israel are facing immense challenges in providing stability and support for their students amidst ongoing rocket attacks.
In a recent development, additional hostages, including Israeli-Russian women, have been freed by Hamas in Gaza as part of a truce deal with Israel, while four Thai workers were also released.
Noah reflects on the abundance of music produced during the current war, noting that it surpasses the music created in all of Israel's previous wars combined.
This text explores the narrator's reflections on his relationship with his son, his regrets and guilt over past actions, and his feelings of isolation and purposelessness.
The text discusses the ongoing crisis in Gaza and highlights the need for the American Jewish community to confront the reality and scale of the devastation.
In a discussion about the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, there is a growing emphasis on the information war happening on social media platforms like TikTok.
The Jewish community in South Africa is concerned about the government's support for Hamas following the terrorist group's attack on Israel.
The podcast discusses the balance between acknowledging trauma and toughening up in the face of conflict, specifically referencing the impact of war, such as the recent events involving Hamas.
In this article, the author answers questions from children and teenagers about the conflict between Israel and Hamas.
The article discusses the challenges faced by parents in talking to their children about the situation in Israel.
The article highlights the consistent support for Israel from members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), countering instances of Black antisemitism.
In this discussion moderated by Liel Leibovitz, a panel of analysts from Tablet Magazine's Middle East team examines the recent devastating attacks in Israel and discusses the country's next steps.
Despite a devastating mass terror attack by Hamas causing over 600 deaths and 2,000 injuries in Israel, Israelis have united in the face of this tragedy, with a surge in support for peace and a strong communal response.
The author criticizes international observers, both friendly and unfriendly to Israel, for offering unsolicited military advice during conflicts.
The recent Israeli military operation in Jenin has resulted in increased hatred towards the Palestinian Authority (PA) among Palestinians.
Israel is preparing for potential retaliation from Islamic Jihad after assassinating three senior members of the group and conducting airstrikes that resulted in civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip.
In a special episode recorded on a National Day of Resistance Against Dictatorship, the focus is on understanding a conflicted situation that encompasses lifetimes of disputes.
In this episode, Noah attempts to understand the complexity of a conflict that encompasses various historical conflicts.
This article reflects on the author's identity as a secular Jew and their conflicted attitude towards their Jewish identity.
This episode discusses the challenge of being involved in conflict and the basic pattern of conflict, briefly outlining the historical events surrounding the Besht and Magid of Mezritch, including when they lived and their primary talmidim.
The podcast delves into various themes such as friendship, principle, conflict, and the recent primary loss of Liz Cheney in Wyoming.
In this opinion piece, the author expresses her shock and anger at activists who are calling for the globalizing of the intifada, viewing it as a demand for violence rather than peace.
In this podcast, security expert Aaron MacLean examines the United States' credibility and deterrent power in various conflicts.
In this podcast, security expert Aaron MacLean explores the United States' credibility in the face of various conflicts.