Tag: Critical Race Theory

The article discusses the radicalization at American universities, focusing on Columbia University and the influence of Critical Race Theory (CRT).
During the rise of Donald Trump, parallels were drawn by some observers between his political tactics and the nationalism of Slobodan Miloevi, the leader responsible for Serbia's violent conflicts in the 1990s.
The popularity of classical education has been growing, particularly among religious conservatives, but there is no universally accepted definition of what it entails.
The author points out the contradiction between the progressive emphasis on avoiding offense and the targeting of Jewish students and the Jewish community on college campuses.
Stop Being Shocked Once and for All is an article that highlights the systematic erosion of institutions and the rise of dangerous ideologies in America.
In his book "The Identity Trap: A Story of Ideas and Power in Our Time," Yascha Mounk explores the intellectual history behind the rise of identity politics and wokeness.
In his book, "The Identity Trap: A Story of Ideas and Power in Our Time," Yascha Mounk explores the intellectual history behind the rise of identity politics or "wokeness."
The success of the film Oppenheimer has sparked interest in the history of the making of the atomic bomb and American radicalism, but there are important aspects being overlooked.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) launched an internal investigation after Fox News criticized some of its educational materials for allegedly including progressive ideas.
The author argues that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is no longer fulfilling its original purpose of combating antisemitism.
Between 2010 and 2012, concepts from gender and ethnic studies became mainstream in American culture.
The author shares their personal experience with their daughter attending an elite private school in New York City.
Princeton University's president, Christopher Eisgruber, is seen as holding contradictory principles regarding academic freedom and social justice, which has led to concerns about the university's direction.
The text discusses how liberals are potentially undermining their own cause by making leftist attacks on America around July 4, which is seen as a strategic error.
The author argues that American culture is currently experiencing a crisis, with the aesthetic impulse and intellectual engagement being overshadowed by a rigid progressive orthodoxy that values identity politics and inclusivity over artistic freedom and open dialogue.
The text discusses President Biden's comments about the GOP and Vladimir Putin during his visit to Europe, where he criticized the GOP and praised Putin, sparking controversy.
The Sapir Journal explores the challenges faced by Jews in contemporary social justice movements, particularly addressing issues of antisemitism on the left.
This article discusses the intersection of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and its impact on Jewish individuals.
California's Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (ESMC) has caused controversy and concern among Jewish communities.
In this podcast episode, the focus is on President Biden's flurry of executive orders, his support for critical race theory, and the stance of teachers' unions, particularly in Chicago, on reopening schools only when they deem it safe.
Eli Steele, a Black, deaf, and Jewish filmmaker, challenges societal norms in his work, including his latest film "What Killed Michael Brown" which investigates the shooting of an 18-year-old Black man in Ferguson.
The author discusses the current state of American liberalism and the rise of a new ideology that threatens to replace it.
The Biden campaign is focused on targeting key demographics for victory, but faces challenges due to preconceptions within his party.
In 1993, Henry Louis Gates Jr. critiqued the rising movement to ban hate speech, pointing out a contradiction in its premise that hate speech was structurally embedded in American culture while also assuming an anti-racist consensus.