Tag: Diversity And Inclusion

A Stanford University task force has detailed pervasive and harmful antisemitism on campus since October 7, with incidents ranging from social ostracization to direct acts of antisemitism against Jewish students.
Israeli colleges, with a mix of Jewish and Arab students, have managed to remain calm despite the conflict in Gaza, contrasting with the unrest on US campuses.
The author reflects on their decades-long experience witnessing anti-Israel sentiment in literary circles and specifically within the National Book Critics Circle (NBCC).
The Republican-led House Education and Workforce Committee, chaired by Rep. Virginia Foxx, is investigating Rutgers University for antisemitism, following similar probes into other universities.
Jeff Schoenfeld, co-chair of the Israel Emergency Allocations Committee, is overseeing the distribution of nearly $800 million in donations from North American Jews to support Israeli recovery efforts post-Oct.
At Harvard University, Jewish students like Nitsan Machlis and Shabbos Kestenbaum have faced antisemitism and hostility, leading to feelings of being unwelcome and unsafe on campus.
Claudine Gay, the president of Harvard University, has announced her resignation after facing criticism for her response to anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiments on campus.
A review of campaign finance records reveals that one of the lawyers responsible for the release of bigoted emails has a history of donating to Democratic candidates who champion diversity and inclusion.