Tag: Divorce

Despite growing up in a liberal Jewish family with rabbis, the author rebelled against dating Jewish men until meeting her non-Jewish soulmate on a flight to Los Angeles.
A woman shares her journey of feeling alone and angry at G-d after her divorce, but eventually finds healing, remarries, and empowers others to thrive.
In a deeply personal reflection, Barry Kluger addresses the pain and regret of leaving his daughter behind after a divorce and moving on with his life.
Malky Berkowitz, an Orthodox woman seeking a divorce, faces obstacles as her husband refuses to grant her a get.
Diane Flacks, a theatre artist, explores the themes of divorce, motherhood, and the influence of Jewish guilt in her recent solo show, Guilt (A Love Story).
In an essay in New York Magazine titled "The Lure of Divorce," the story of a 40something writer's mental breakdown leading to a desire to divorce her husband is explored as a reflection of 21st-century elite and pop culture.
This text explores the narrator's reflections on his relationship with his son, his regrets and guilt over past actions, and his feelings of isolation and purposelessness.
Adina visits her mother and finds out that her sister, Sara, is getting divorced while pregnant.
The Parashah of Ki Tetzei raises concerns about the treatment of women, illustrating problematic scenarios such as the marriage of a captive woman, laws regarding polygamy and divorce, cases of rape and dysfunctional marriages.
The author reflects on her experiences with dating and marriage after receiving a gett (Jewish divorce).
"Fleishman Is a Series" is a show based on the 2019 novel by Taffy Brodesser-Akner, available on Hulu.
The article emphasizes the importance of seeing and addressing the struggles and challenges faced by individuals who are often invisible within the Jewish community.
This memoir reflects on the experience of being a Rebbetzin, the wife of a rabbi, and the challenges that come with it.
In the article "Moving Out of Town," Rabbi Simon Taylor discusses the correlation between both parents working outside the home and parents being less involved in the household.
Divorcees, especially those with children, often find Shabbos to be a painful reminder of their lost families.
This article features interviews with three divorced parents, sharing their experiences and challenges.
The individuals interviewed share their experiences as divorced parents within the Jewish community.
Orthodox divorcees in North American communities face unique challenges, but there are resources available to support them.
This article discusses the importance of community support for Orthodox divorcees and highlights two organizations that provide resources and assistance for divorced individuals.
The article discusses the challenges and experiences of children whose parents have divorced.
The article explores the impact of divorce on children, drawing from a personal account and observations from an Orthodox mental health professional.
The writer reflects on a childhood memory of visiting their father in a temporary apartment.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, an anonymous divorced man shares his perspective on the divorce process and the importance of protecting oneself from negative inclinations.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, an anonymous divorced man discusses the importance of protecting oneself from harmful inclinations during the divorce process.
Ilana Kurshan's memoir, "If All the Seas Were Ink," details her seven-year journey studying daf yomi in Jerusalem, intertwining personal experiences like failed relationships, remarriage, and the birth of children with Talmudic teachings.