Tag: Family

The author reflects on her son's journey leading up to his Bar Mitzvah, noting his initial reluctance and eventual engagement in the preparation process.
A woman shares her emotional and challenging journey through infertility and the lack of support she felt from the Jewish community while trying to conceive.
The text discusses the author's experience of caring for their sick father, who was once a survivor of Nazi Europe and Stalinist communism.
After losing her husband at a young age, the author recounts how her father stepped in to fill the void for her two sons.
The author shares a personal account of losing 31 family members in Gaza due to Israeli bombardments and highlights the devastating impact of the conflict on civilian lives.
Renowned Jewish culinary figure Joan Nathan, author of the memoir "My Life in Recipes: Food, Family, and Memories," will be interviewed by Hadassah Magazine's Executive Editor Lisa Hostein on Thursday, June 20 at 7:00 PM ET.
The story explores a dilemma faced by Shif, torn between attending her boss Devorah's wedding and her best friend Yaeli's wedding that fall on the same day.
Joan Nathan, a renowned figure in Jewish cooking, discusses her latest cookbook "My Life in Recipes: Food, Family, and Memories" with former NPR host Robert Siegel.
At dawn on October 7, 2023, in Sinai, a family enjoys their last day of vacation.
The author discusses the importance of relationships for a healthy and happy life, drawing from the Harvard Study of Adult Development, which highlighted the significance of strong social connections in overall well-being.
Joan Nathan's memoir "My Life in Recipes: Food, Family, and Memories" offers a captivating glimpse into her 81 years of life as a celebrated Jewish food writer.
The writer shares his experience as a security volunteer at his synagogue, facing skepticism from his family about his protective abilities despite his physical fitness regime of running.
Miriam, a photographer facing terminal illness, reflects on the impermanence of life using the Japanese concept of Wabi-Sabi, finding beauty in imperfection and transience.
The author reflects on feeling like a motherless child despite her mother being alive, detailing her mother's erratic behavior that went unexplained in the 1960s.
The text discusses a Persian Cucumber Salad with Yogurt and Walnuts recipe shared by renowned cookbook author and food writer Joan Nathan as part of her latest book "My Life in Recipes: Food, Family, and Memories."
The writer expresses initial anger and hurt upon a relative declining to attend the family seder due to discomfort with traditional texts and intentions, feeling conflicted about the rejection of a beloved tradition but reflecting on the nature of family traditions and adaptation.
The article discusses the internal struggle faced by a woman named Dina Cohen as she navigates conflicting values and behaviors in her interactions with her smoking sister Mindy.
A Jewish family's journey to the airport to fly to California turns into a chaotic experience when their car gets into a pileup on the highway.
A couple embarks on starting to observe Shabbat with their young children, borrowing supplies and delving into the rituals despite some uncertainties.
The author reflects on her father's ability to evade death multiple times and contemplates the inevitability of losing loved ones as they age.
Annie's father surprises her by revealing his consideration of retirement due to the failing business of their hotel.
This article offers a collection of Jewish jokes suitable for sharing at the Passover Seder to lighten the mood during the holiday.
A woman reflects on her experience facing cancer after undergoing abdominal surgery, similar to Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge.
Diana Leygerman, a 41-year-old Democratic project manager and community activist from Warwick Township, PA, who identifies with the Reform Jewish denomination, is a supporter of Joe Biden, having voted for him in 2020 and intending to do so again in 2024.
Novelist Amanda Craig discusses the complexities of her Jewish identity, reflecting on her upbringing as an atheist with Jewish roots and the realization of her heritage at age 13.