Tag: Hostages

The author argues that Palestinians' support for Hamas' actions and celebration of violence against Israel indicates a deep-seated hatred.
Israeli rights organization Shurat HaDin has filed a 10 million shekel ($2.8 million) lawsuit against the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in the Jerusalem District Court.
The United Nations Security Council has adopted a resolution urging the acceleration of assistance to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
The text discusses recent events related to Zionism, including a confrontation between a pro-Palestinian protester and an individual at the Toronto Eaton Centre, and the mistaken killing of hostages by the IDF in Israel, prompting calls for re-evaluation and negotiations.
Four-year-old Abigail Mor Edan, who was kidnapped and held hostage by Hamas, has been freed and reunited with her family.
This text discusses the difficult situation faced by Israel during the war in Gaza.
Israel and Hamas are preparing to resume indirect negotiations for the release of Israeli hostages, as well as a ceasefire in Gaza, following an incident where Israeli troops mistakenly killed three hostages attempting to escape.
Israeli forces accidentally killed three Israeli hostages during combat in Gaza.
A recent visit to Israel revealed several insights.
Israeli cartoonist Zeev Engelmayer, known for his irreverent and humorous style, has shifted his focus since the outbreak of war, using art as a way to cope with the traumas of the conflict.
The United Nations General Assembly has approved a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war, with 153 nations in favor, 23 abstaining, and 10 countries, including Israel and the United States, voting against it.
The Hostages and Missing Families Forum, based in Tel Aviv, is a civil society organization providing support and advocacy for the families of those abducted by Hamas.
Kibbutz Nir Oz, located near Gaza, was devastated by a Hamas attack on October 7th.
Journalist Linda Gradstein and Noah Efron discuss the importance of two topics - the influx and sudden halt of hostages leaving Gaza, and the heartwarming moment when a child expresses love.
The author expresses anger at Israel's failures to anticipate a massacre by Hamas, react quickly, and prioritize security.
This text discusses the recent exchange of hostages between Israel and Hamas, highlighting the calls from families of hostages for a "everyone for everyone" approach, where Israel would release over 5,000 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the release of the hostages.
In this article, the author discusses Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's views on the exchange of imprisoned terrorists for hostages, focusing on the concept of pidyon shevuyim (the redemption or ransom of captives) in Jewish tradition.
Despite initial national unity following the recent conflict in Israel, a ceasefire has led to a fraying of this unity.
In a recent development, additional hostages, including Israeli-Russian women, have been freed by Hamas in Gaza as part of a truce deal with Israel, while four Thai workers were also released.
Israel is investigating Hamas' claim that Shiri Bibas and her two sons, Ariel (4 years old) and Kfir (10 months old), who were taken hostage in Gaza, have been killed.
Two brothers, Kfir and Ariel Bibas, are still being held hostage in Gaza, while most other child hostages have been returned to Israel.
The podcast discusses the author's impressions during a recent trip to Israel amidst a tense period marked by rocket fire and hostage situations involving Hamas.
UN Women, an official arm of the United Nations focused on promoting gender equality and women's empowerment, faced backlash for its silence on allegations of sexual violence during the Hamas attack on Israel.
The article discusses the strategy of Israel's Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant, during the conflict with Hamas.
This article highlights the need to celebrate all hostages who have been released, not just Israeli citizens.