Tag: Humanistic Values

Rabbi Hara Person, the Chief Executive of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, has published a book titled Deepening the Dialogue: American Jews and Israelis Envision the Jewish Democratic State.
In his new book "No Exit: Arab Existentialism, Jean Paul Sartre and Decolonization," Dr. Yoav Di Capua examines the influence and reception of Jean-Paul Sartre in the Arab world.
Rabbi Baroness Julia Neuberger, a Reform rabbi and member of the House of Lords, explores the topic of antisemitism in her book "Antisemitism: What it is. What it isn't. Why it Matters."
Rabbi Baroness Julia Neuberger, a notable Reform rabbi and member of the House of Lords, delves into the issue of antisemitism in her book "Antisemitism: What it is. What it isn't. Why it Matters."
Ambassador Dennis Ross and David Makovsky's book "Be Strong and of Good Courage: How Israel's Most Important Leaders Shaped Its Destiny" explores the critical decisions of four Israeli leaders in advancing a two-state solution.
Professor Joseph Zeira from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem presents his new book "The Israeli Economy," which serves as a comprehensive introduction to various economic aspects of Israel.
Christopher Browning's examination of ordinary German men turning into killers raises questions about whether the Holocaust should be viewed as a universal human issue or a unique atrocity by Germans against Jews.
In their book "Clear and Present Safety," authors Michael A. Cohen and Micah Zenko argue that despite sensationalism in media and politics, global indicators show that the world is actually improving, not worsening.
In the book "Clear and Present Safety," authors Michael A. Cohen and Micah Zenko argue that the world is actually getting better, contrary to common belief.
Prof. Hanna Yablonka, a historian at Ben-Gurion University, explores the lives of a distinct cohort of Israelis who were born alongside the establishment of the state in her book "Biography of a Generation."
Prof. Hanna Yablonka's book "Children By The Book: Biography of a Generation" delves into the lives of Israelis born in 1948, creating a collective portrait of a unique generation entwined with the birth of the state.
The ownership of Franz Kafka's papers is a complex and Kafkaesque issue, with Israel, a German archive, and a lady in Tel Aviv all claiming ownership.
Mustafa Akyol argues that Islam is in need of liberalizing reforms, promoting a more moderate and open-minded approach to the religion.
Mark Lilla, a Columbia University Professor, shares insights from his book "The Once and Future Liberal: After Identity Politics" at the Global Forum of the National Library of Israel, discussing past failures of progressive politics and suggesting ways the liberal left can reinvent itself.
Dr. Nir Arielli, from the University of Leeds, explores the history of foreign war volunteers in his book "From Byron To Bin Laden."
Dr. Nir Arielli, an Associate Professor of International History at the University of Leeds, talks about his book "From Byron To Bin Laden: A History of Foreign War Volunteers" in a Tel Aviv Review episode sponsored by The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute focusing on promoting humanistic, democratic, and liberal values in Israeli social discourse.
Prof. Oren Harman, a historian of science at Bar-Ilan University, explores themes from his book "Evolutions: Fifteen Myths that Explain Our World" and his lecture series "Talking about Science in the 21st Century" at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.
Prof. Oren Harman, a historian of science, and Chair of the Graduate Program in Science, Technology and Society at Bar-Ilan University, explores his book Evolutions: Fifteen Myths that Explain Our World and the lecture series Talking about Science in the 21st Century at the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.
Psychologist Nurit Novis-Deutsch suggests that individuals with a multifaceted identity may demonstrate greater tolerance towards those perceived as different, offering a potential solution to current societal divisions.
Professor Yoav Alon discusses his book "The Shaykh of Shaykhs: Mithgal al Fayiz and Tribal Leadership in Modern Jordan," highlighting tribal leadership in contemporary Jordan.
Prof. Yoav Alon delves into his book "The Shaykh of Shaykhs: Mithgal al Fayiz and Tribal Leadership in Modern Jordan," focusing on tribal leadership in Jordan.
Dr. Hagai Boas of the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute delves into the topic of bioethics and biopolitics in Israel in a co-edited volume.
Israeli film scholar Dan Chyutin notes a shift in Israeli cinema from a focus on secular society to highlighting religion, particularly ultra-orthodox Judaism.
Israeli film scholar Dan Chyutin notes the shift in Israeli films over recent decades where religion, particularly ultra-orthodox Judaism, has taken a prominent role, moving away from its earlier depiction as mere background scenery in secular Israeli society.
Einat Wilf, a former Member of Knesset, emphasizes in her book "War of Return" the importance of recognizing that Palestinian refugees, as traditionally defined, do not have the right to return to their pre-1948 homes.