Tag: Immigration Policy

Robert Kennedy Jr.'s presidential campaign and his association with civil rights and labor leader Cesar Chavez have sparked both support and resistance.
The 1924 Johnson-Reed Act, signed by President Calvin Coolidge, set quotas on immigrants' countries of origin and excluded Asians, impacting Jewish migration and establishing a more restrictive immigration policy.
The U.S. House of Representatives has voted to impeach Jewish Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on party lines, with some Jewish groups expressing concern over the use of antisemitic rhetoric during the hearings.
Irving M. Levine, a key member of the American Jewish Committee (AJC) leadership team, passed away at the age of 94.
In a recent podcast episode, the focus is on President Joe Biden's shifting stance on the border wall, specifically his promise in 2020 not to extend Trump's barrier, contrasting with the current plan to add more wall sections.
The podcast discusses the Biden administration's attempts to address the crisis at the southern border, attributing the root of the issue to actions taken during the Obama administration with good intentions.
The author argues that progressive intellectual life in America is dead, as the centralized and authoritarian control of progressivism by major foundations and nonprofits has eliminated the possibility of being a progressive public intellectual.
In this conversation with journalist Julia Ioffe on Haaretz Weekend, she discusses Russian President Vladimir Putin's surprise at the tough sanctions imposed by US President Joe Biden, but notes that the economic damage caused to Russia will not deter Putin from continuing the war in Ukraine.
This article discusses the ideological conflict between internationalism/globalism and nationalism in the contemporary West.
Szabolcs Takács, Hungary's newly appointed ambassador to the United States, is entering his post amid uncertain diplomatic relations between Hungary and the US.
Jonathan D. Sarna discusses the complex legacy of Woodrow Wilson in relation to Jewish history, highlighting Wilson's positive actions towards Jews such as supporting Louis Brandeis' Supreme Court nomination and endorsing the Balfour Declaration for a Jewish national home in Palestine.
The article discusses Bernie Sanders' Jewish identity and his reluctance to emphasize it in his political career, despite growing pressure to do so.
The text urges readers to focus on the humanitarian crisis at the US-Mexico border, particularly concerning migrant children in US custody.
Meital Regev, a doctoral fellow, explores Israel's complex approach towards the immigration of Ethiopian Jews since the establishment of the Law of Return in 1950.