Tag: Islamism

Gilles Kepel, a prominent French scholar of Islamism, sheds light on his career challenges and academic feuds, especially at the Ecole Normale Supérieure.
The Antisemitism Policy Trust recently published a guide on conspiracy theories commissioned by Leader of the House of Commons Penny Mordaunt, aiming to combat the spread of such theories that threaten democracy and public wellbeing.
The video delves into the lesser-known but highly radical Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) group and its history of utilizing terror tactics to challenge the notion of peace in the Middle East, from its origins by Dr. Fathi Shaqaqi, its connection to Hezbollah and Iran, to its reputation for pioneering suicide attacks.
The text discusses the global confrontation between liberal democracy and populism/totalitarianism that threatens universal values.
The essay highlights the overlooked role of religion and antisemitism in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, emphasizing the deep-rooted indoctrination of Palestinian children to hate Jews and aspire to destroy Israel.
The text criticizes Islamism and Islamist extremism for their regressive and authoritarian foundations, focusing on the violent and antisemitic actions of groups like Hamas.
The author discusses how the concept of Islamophobia is being exploited by Islamists to stifle debate and criticism of Islam and its extremist elements under the guise of combating racism.
The text discusses the rise of Islamism and its impact, particularly focusing on the personal journey of a woman born in Somalia who later became an anti-Islamist activist.
In this podcast, Mordechai Kedar discusses the recent increase in terrorism from the West Bank.
A lawsuit filed by venture capitalist Elliott Broidy against the Qatari government and former pro-Qatar lobbyists Nick Muzin, Joey Allaham, and Gregory Howard alleges that Qatar coordinated the theft and dissemination of Broidy's private emails.
The French philosopher Alain Finkielkraut was recently harassed by a group of Yellow Vest protesters in Paris with anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist slurs, despite Finkielkraut's French roots and nuanced views on Jewish identity, patriotism, and Israel.
A symposium discusses the revolutionary events in the Middle East since the Tunisian protests and their implications for Israel, exploring various books and authors relevant to understanding the causes and outcomes of these revolutions.