Tag: Jewish Environmentalism

Ellen Bernstein, a pioneering figure in Jewish environmentalism, passed away at the age of 70.
"Jewish Virtue Ethics" edited by Geoffrey D. Claussen, Alexander Green, and Alan L. Mittleman delves into the history of Jewish thought by bringing together 35 different thinkers and texts from across the Jewish tradition to explore the contested subject of Jewish virtue ethics.
Tu B'Shvat is a Jewish holiday with agricultural origins, symbolizing the importance of environmental awareness and stewardship in modern times.
In this episode of the Adventures in Jewish Studies podcast series, guest scholar Tanhum Yoreh explores the concept of a Jewish environmental ethic.
The article argues that embracing environmentalism is beneficial for the Jewish community as it can lead to a more engaging and relevant expression of Judaism, particularly appealing to younger and less affiliated Jews.
In this article, Rabbi Jay Michaelson emphasizes the importance of environmental stewardship as a Jewish duty, challenging the gentle rhetoric of Jewish environmentalism and advocating for a more stringent approach that holds individuals and corporations accountable for their impact on the environment.