Tag: Jewish History

In 2019, a notable amount of 27 Holocaust books for kids and teens were published, prompting a reflection on the dominating presence of Holocaust narratives in Jewish literature, overshadowing other aspects of Jewish identity.
Thousands of women and men gathered in Jerusalem for the first public celebration of women's Siyum HaShas, marking the end of a global cycle of daily Talmud learning.
In "The City Game," author Matthew Goodman explores the remarkable story of the City College of New York Beavers basketball team's triumph in the 1950 NIT championship game against the Kentucky Wildcats.
The text discusses a selection of Jewish children's books from 2019 that offer a wide range of themes beyond the Holocaust.
At the start of Parashat Vayetze, Jacob dreams of a ladder reaching to heaven with angels ascending and descending.
The podcast discusses the origin of the Maccabiah Games, likening their inception to a great miracle similar to Hanukkah.
In 1988, East Germany under Erich Honecker made unprecedented efforts to engage with its Jewish community, organizing events around the 50th anniversary of Kristallnacht.
The discussion explores the concept of messianism in Jewish history and thought, tracing it from the late 2nd Temple period in Roman-controlled Judea to modern times, including figures like Bar Kohba in 132 CE and Menachem Mendel Schneerson of Chabad Lubavitch.
In response to the overwhelming focus on Holocaust books for children and young adults, the author argues for a broader representation of Jewish stories beyond the Holocaust.
In remembrance of the Tree of Life shooting a year earlier, an exhibition titled "Lest We Forget" featuring oversize images of Holocaust survivors by Luigi Toscano was displayed around the University of Pittsburgh campus.
Emma Goldman, a prominent anarchist figure, is explored in the Jewish Lives Podcast through the perspective of Vivian Gornick, who authored a biography about Goldman titled "Emma Goldman: Revolution as a Way of Life."
The author reflects on the significance of family meals during the High Holidays and the impact of reduced refugee entrance to America under President Trump, now allowing only 18,000 refugees in 2020.
In "We Stand Divided," Daniel Gordis explores the longstanding rift between American Jews and Israel, tracing its roots back to differing views on religion, history, identity, and democracy.
Elizabeth Warren delivered a speech at Washington Square Park focusing on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, drawing parallels between the tragedy and corporate greed affecting workers today.
"I Do Not Care if We Go Down in History as Barbarians" is a film by Radu Jude that delves into the uncomfortable history of Romania during World War II.
Rocketmen, curated by Adolfo Roitman, Hagit Maoz, and Michael Maggen at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, focuses on Israel's first astronaut, Ilan Ramon, who tragically perished in the Columbia space shuttle disaster.
Abraham Joshua Heschel, a prominent Jewish thinker and refugee scholar, faced uncertain times during Nazi rule in the 1930s.
The exhibit "Jews, Money, Myth" at the London Jewish Museum curated by Joanne Rosenthal, Dominik Czechowski, and Morgan Wadsworth-Boyle until October 17, examines the persistent stereotypes about Jews and money, debunking libels about Jewish financial power while exploring the historical roles of money in Jewish life.
The transition from Tishah B'Av to Shabbat Nachamu reflects Jewish history's pattern of tragedy followed by revitalization and creativity, such as the Mishnah and Talmud's completion after the destruction of the Temple.
Throughout history, there has been a disturbing trend of accusing Jews of disloyalty to their countries, leading to consequences such as wrongful convictions, conspiracies, and discrimination.
The text discusses the historical roots of anti-Semitism, particularly focusing on the origins of anti-Jewish sentiment in ancient Alexandria, where Jews excelled in various fields and faced backlash from the Greek community.
In the face of New York State's attempts to impose strict educational regulations on private and religious schools, a history lesson from 80 years ago resurfaces, reminding of previous challenges.
The writer reflects on how the events of the shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh on Oct. 27, 2018, have deeply impacted their community, making them reevaluate the observance of Tisha B'Av, a day commemorating various catastrophes in Jewish history.
Alter Druyanov, a Russian Jew and Zionist, compiled a three-volume book of Jewish jokes in Hebrew, showcasing the humor of Jewish folklore with some jokes revolving around stereotypes like hypochondria.
A survey by the Pew Research Center revealed that non-Jewish Americans lack knowledge about Judaism, scoring poorly on questions related to Jewish history, practice, and texts.