Tag: Jewish Life

White House convened a meeting with antisemitism envoys from around the world to build a national strategy to combat antisemitism.
The article discusses the significance of chickens in Jewish life.
The podcast discusses a variety of topics, including the use of psychedelics like LSD to address psychological distress, with Rabbi Zac Kamenetz advocating for their integration into Jewish life.
The letter writer is feeling disillusioned with dating Jewish and has tried various dating apps without success.
In this podcast, the discussion revolves around the persona of King Messiah.
In a recent episode of The CJN's podcast, "Bonjour Chai," hosts Avi Finegold and Phoebe Maltz Bovy delve into the topic of antisemitism's increasing prevalence in Jewish discourse, exploring why it has become a major focus and what other conversations about Jewish life may be overlooked as a result.
In 2022, Mosaic held 46 conversations on various topics in Jewish life, including the Jewish community in Ukraine, sexual ethics, Israeli judicial reform, the book of Esther, and the passing of a renowned Jewish critic.
A reader writes to The Forward's advice column, "Bintel," seeking guidance on how to handle a situation where their friends declined to take a rapid COVID-19 test before visiting the reader's daughter's home.
This article explores the concept of vulnerability in Jewish life.
This photo essay showcases a collection of ads from past and present Jewish publications, including the Orthodox Union (OU) National Convention program in 1927 and various issues of Jewish Life and Jewish Action magazines from the 1940s to the present day.
Tablet is hosting a Hanukkah pop-up event at the West Side Comedy Club in NYC.
"The Stories She Never Told" is a personal reflection on the author's mother's reluctance to speak about her own life.
The French Jewish population in Israel has been growing in recent years, with thousands of French Jews immigrating to Israel.
The article discusses the upcoming Democratic primary for New York's 12th Congressional District in Manhattan, which has pitted popular incumbents Reps. Carolyn Maloney and Jerry Nadler against each other due to redistricting.
The Bonjour Chai team dedicates an episode to the discussion of interfaith marriage, exploring varying viewpoints within Judaism on the matter.
In this conversation recorded at the AJC Global Forum 2022, U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism Deborah Lipstadt and European Commission Coordinator on Combating Antisemitism and Fostering Jewish Life Katharina von Schnurbein discuss how their governments are working to fight against antisemitism.
The Great Synagogue of Aleppo, one of the most significant synagogues in the Jewish world, was destroyed in the conflict between the Assad government and rebels in 2016.
In this article, Rabbi Aaron Rothkoff gives advice to new immigrants (olim) to Israel.
This text discusses the importance of trust in various aspects of life, with a focus on its significance in Jewish life.
In this episode of the Jewish Lives Podcast, author Hillel Halkin discusses the life and legacy of Vladimir Jabotinsky, a figure in twentieth-century Jewish life who was both admired and loathed.
This collection features vintage Passover advertisements from Jewish Life, the predecessor of Jewish Action.
Dovid Margolin, a senior editor at Chabad.org, discusses the religious dimension of the war in Ukraine.
In this podcast, Dovid Margolin, a senior editor at Chabad.org, discusses the impact of the war in Ukraine on Jewish life.
The author argues that for Jews seeking a vibrant Jewish life, Los Angeles is currently surpassing New York.
The article discusses the challenges facing American Jewish communities based on the findings of the 2020 Pew Research Center report on Jewish Americans.