Tag: Jewish People

"The Beginning of Politics" by Leon R. Kass is a book that approaches the biblical book of Exodus as an integrated whole, challenging the prevalent view of it being a collection of fragments.
In this article, David Fried examines the contradictory statements in Parashat Ki Tissa about Moses seeing the face of God.
Shemini Atzeret is a holiday that follows Sukkot, but its specific nature is not clearly defined in the Torah.
The Second Temple Era was a challenging time for the Jewish people and the preservation of Torah.
The text explores the significant role and characterization of Amalek in Jewish tradition, focusing on their attacks on the Israelites in the wilderness and later during the Purim story with Haman.
At the Z3 Conference in Palo Alto, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the theme of "One People, Two Centers, Three Opinions."
AJC CEO David Harris and Times of Israel Founding Editor David Horovitz recently discussed the importance of their new partnership between AJC and TOI, and addressed key issues impacting America, Israel, the Jewish community, and the wider world.
Dr. Adam Mendelson of the University of Cape Town conducted a groundbreaking study on Black South Africans' attitudes towards Jewish people in major urban areas.
In this podcast episode, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss three main topics focusing on Israel, including the controversial UN Security Council Resolution 2334 condemning Israeli settlements, the idea of moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem supported by both a Donald and President-Elect Donald Trump, and the government's support of agriculture in Israel.
The text discusses the uncovering of predictions in the Torah that have come true and questions how a human author could have known about the future, highlighting the concept of an eternal Jewish nation.
Rashi's well-known commentary on the first verse of the Torah asserts the Jewish people's God-given right to the Land of Israel.
In a podcast recorded at the TORCH Centre in Houston, TX, the discussion delves into the fallacies of critics who question the authorship of the Torah.
In this edition, Allison, Ilene, and Noah discuss whether the center-left should join PM Netanyahu's coalition, the proposal for new biometric identification in Israel, and how to remember the Holocaust as survivors become fewer.
The essay discusses the question of why God chose the Jewish people to receive the Torah, exploring various perspectives from different sources.
The article discusses the significance of the Sukkah in Jewish tradition, drawing on the writings of Gershon Henoch of Radzin.