Tag: Jewish People

In discussing the relationship between America, Israel, and the Jewish people, the text highlights a distinction between criticism of Israel and antisemitism, emphasizing that criticism can be valid without being antisemitic.
This text is a quiz containing questions about Jewish topics such as Rashi's birthplace, the symbol of the tribe of Benjamin, the origins of the Israeli national anthem "Hatikvah," the first president of Israel, the first city conquered by the Jewish people in the Land of Israel, and the blessing for eating fish.
The author reflects on recent events in Israeli society, including proposed changes to exemption laws for ultra-Orthodox individuals and a disturbing suicide of a reservist with PTSD.
The essay discusses the issue of equating hatred of Jews with Nazism, focusing on the anti-Semitic nature of hating Zionists and Israel.
The video discusses the reunification of Jerusalem by Israel during the Six Day War in 1967.
The text discusses how international law and institutions, such as the International Court of Justice, are deemed irrelevant and even harmful to Israel and the Jewish people's survival, claiming they are biased and antisemitic in their focus on Israel's actions.
Yahya Sinwar, a Hamas leader in Gaza, gained notoriety as a mastermind of attacks against Israel and Jews, but when he was released from an Israeli prison in 2011 as part of a prisoner exchange for Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, he was not considered a threat to Israelis, given that he was in prison for the murder of Palestinians.
The text discusses the author's frustration with extremist individuals who perpetrate violence and harm in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, particularly criticizing Israeli settlers who attacked an aid convoy destined for Gaza.
The text discusses the juxtaposition of celebrating Israel Independence Day with the ongoing battle against Hamas and the historic and contemporary struggles of the Jewish people.
The text discusses the current challenges facing the Jewish community globally, focusing on rising antisemitism, particularly from certain factions on the Left.
Zionism, as discussed in the text, is framed within the context of the Indigenous Sovereignty Movement, with the focus on the Jewish people's rightful claim to Israel, Judea, Samaria, and Gaza as their ancestral sovereign land.
The text discusses the complexities of American views towards Israel and the Jewish people post the Gaza war, highlighting a divide among Americans on the issue.
In "The Etgar Quiz no 257," a set of trivia questions related to Jewish history and culture are presented.
In this article, the author explores the concept of seeking advice from a Gadol HaDor, the ultimate rabbinic authority in Judaism, versus consulting other professionals such as psychologists or consultants.
The discussion in this week's Parashah of Shemot emphasizes the impact of negative energy and lashon hara (negative speech) on individuals and those around them.
This article discusses a Facebook exchange between individuals representing the charedi and dati-leumi (Zionist-religious) perspectives on Torah and avodas Hashem (service to God).
The author argues that left-wing antisemitism, fueled by a powerful ideology found in social media and academia, poses the greatest threat to the Jewish people.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, venture capitalist Michael Eisenberg discusses the civic revolution taking place in Israel.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, venture capitalist Michael Eisenberg discusses the civic revolution taking place in Israel and the importance of reevaluating personal goals and collective missions.
Three university presidents (from Harvard, MIT, and Penn) testified in a Republican-led hearing, defending the constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech, even in cases of rhetoric calling for the genocide of Jews.
Noa Lewis, CEO of Echad and a volunteer with the IDF's women's casualty-treatment unit, discusses the importance of finding purpose in helping Israel.
Colonel Golan Vach, the head of the IDF's National Rescue Unit, discusses his experiences in disaster relief efforts, including his recent deployment to Surfside, Florida, and Turkey.
In this open letter from IDF tank commander Itai Simon Tov, he emphasizes the unity and strength of the Jewish people when faced with the threat of Hamas.
The author explores the question of why Israelis continue to get married despite the ongoing war and terror.
The text discusses the complexity of engaging in war, highlighting that while warfare may be necessary at times, it is still considered sinful.