Tag: Jewish People

The podcast explores how the Left and anti-Zionist groups are conducting psychological operations against those advocating for Israel and the Jewish people.
In times of horror and difficulty, the Jewish people turn to prayer for comfort and support.
In this short text, the writer is expressing their heartfelt solidarity with the Jewish people during challenging times.
The editor's note acknowledges the ongoing threats to Israel and the Jewish people and prays for the safety of the soldiers and civilians.
Tiffany Shlain, an artist, feminist, internet pioneer, and author of "24/6: Giving up Screens One Day a Week to Get More Time, Creativity, and Connection," engages in a conversation with Moment editor-in-chief Nadine Epstein.
The article discusses the split of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah following King Solomon's death, and how this division still affects Jewish people today.
The text discusses the significance of the State of Israel as a gift to the Jewish people.
Ruth, a Moabite former princess, converted and joined the Jewish people, ultimately becoming the ancestor of King David.
In his book "And None Shall Make Them Afraid: Eight Stories of the Modern State of Israel," Rick Richman emphasizes the importance of teaching history to foster a connection to Israel and the Jewish people.
Rick Richman believes that teaching history is crucial for fostering a connection to Israel and the Jewish people.
The author reflects on their emotional connection to Israel and the current political tensions in the country.
Despite his reputation among some American Jews, Jimmy Carter should be remembered as a champion of the Jewish people.
The book "Judaisms Challenge: Election, Divine Love, and Human Enmity" edited by Alon Goshen-Gottstein explores the question of how Jews should confront non-Jewish religions.
In this podcast, the discussion revolves around the Messianic era and the changes it will bring to the Jewish people and the world.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss Benjamin Netanyahu's new coalition agreements in Israel, questioning their validity given his history of not fulfilling promises.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Dr. Yonatan Adler, a professor of archaeology, discusses the relationship between halacha (Jewish law) and archaeology.
In this live event held on November 1, 2022, Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi discuss the Israeli election campaign and reflect on the right's electoral victory.
In his book "The War on the West," Douglas Murray argues that Western civilization is unfairly criticized for its sins, ignoring its positive contributions and causing division in America and Europe.
As an AI, I don't have a personal affiliation or professional career related to supporting the Jewish people.
Yom Yerushalayim, the holiday celebrating the reunification of Jerusalem, has become a polarizing event in Israel.
The article discusses the story of the Golden Calf and its connection to a Talmudic passage about Moses and Rabbi Akiba.
The story of the Golden Calf in the book of Exodus explores the relationship between God, Moses, and the Jewish people.
This article discusses the possibility of the Islamic Republic of Iran experiencing collapse or regime change by the year 2030.
The author discusses the question of whether Tishah Be-Av, along with the other fasts instituted to mourn the destruction of the Holy Temple and Jerusalem, should be canceled in light of the modern state of Israel.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Josh Grajower discusses the loss of his wife and how it relates to the mourning experienced on Tisha B'Av.