Tag: Jewish Publication Society

The JPS Tanakh: Gender-Sensitive Edition, also known as Revised JPS (RJPS), offers a new translation of the Bible with a focus on gender sensitivity.
In her book "Biblical Women Speak: Hearing Their Voices Through New and Ancient Midrash," Rabbi Marla J. Feldman focuses on bringing attention to neglected female characters in the Bible, such as Keturah, Bat Shua, Bilhah, and Noa.
The article discusses a short novel by Sholem Aleichem called Moshkeleh Ganev, which was largely forgotten despite being published in 1903 and serialized in a Warsaw Yiddish daily.
Abraham Joshua Heschel, a prominent Jewish thinker and refugee scholar, faced uncertain times during Nazi rule in the 1930s.
Robert Alter, a scholar and critic, has undertaken the ambitious project of translating the Hebrew Bible with a focus on its literary artistry, accompanied by detailed commentaries that draw on Jewish interpretive traditions.
Israel Zangwill's play "The Melting Pot" presented America as a melting pot where immigrants of various backgrounds come together and assimilate, celebrated even by President Theodore Roosevelt, who rejected hyphenated American identities.