Tag: Jewish Schools

The discussion revolves around Labour's proposed VAT policy, intending to end VAT exemption for private schools to fund state schools.
Tens of thousands gathered for the annual Israel parade in New York City, led by families of hostages still held captive by Hamas in Gaza, including the delegation from Kibbutz Beeri.
In the realm of Charedi Jewish education, a financial crisis is currently affecting schools across the U.S., with a shortage of big donors and many parents unable to pay full tuition.
Thirteen-year-old Eitan Cohen, who has been facing antisemitic bullying at his Toronto public school, is determined to continue attending despite the ongoing harassment.
Noa Swabel, a 16-year-old London schoolgirl from Golders Green, ranked seventh in the International Bible Quiz held in Jerusalem and broadcast on Israeli TV on Yom Haatzmaut.
The article discusses the impact of state Holocaust education mandates on public schools in the U.S. and how the effectiveness of these mandates varies depending on the schools that implement them.
Rabbi Yitsy David, a Sephardic Jew, is working to promote and preserve the diverse heritage and culture of Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews in the UK, aiming to educate Jewish schools about their history and traditions.
Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis has expressed support for the government's plan to remove the restrictions on the number of students admitted based on religion in free schools, noting that faith-based education can shape exceptional citizens.
The Chief Rabbi and the United Synagogue are initiating a comprehensive review of Jewish schools in the UK to ensure they foster a deep love and understanding of Judaism in students, beyond just knowledge acquisition.
The article discusses the role and activities of the Board of Deputies, highlighting recent efforts to combat antisemitism, support Israel, and engage with government officials and community leaders.
Jewish schools in the UK benefit from substantial government funding, leading to high attendance rates among Jewish children.
A recent survey by JPR sheds light on the state of the Jewish community in Britain, revealing a dual narrative where a strictly Orthodox population maintains traditional practices alongside a more diverse group embracing cultural over religious identity.
Rabbi David Meyer emphasizes the urgent need for schools to address the mental health crisis affecting youth, linked to the rise in social media use and influencers promoting unrealistic standards.
The first article discusses the importance of charitable giving within the Jewish community, highlighting the support and donations that leaders of different organizations provide to one another.
JFS has been recognized as the top comprehensive school in England and Wales in a survey by The Times.
In Montreal, the Jewish community is facing a surge in antisemitic incidents, including attacks on Jewish schools, buildings, and businesses, amid ongoing tensions related to the conflict between Israel and Hamas.
Two Modern Orthodox schools in New Jersey, Torah Academy of Bergen County and Maayanot Yeshiva High School for Girls, have introduced new requirements for colleges that seek to recruit their students.
Several Jewish schools, including Alma primary in Whetstone and Akiva primary in Finchley, received positive evaluations from Ofsted.
Education Secretary Gillian Keegan, accompanied by her ministerial team, visited Menorah High School for Girls in London to show solidarity amid heightened anxiety and antisemitism within the Jewish community following Hamas' call for a global day of rage.
Bedales, a boarding school in Hampshire, has decided to minimize the number of GCSEs its students take, focusing instead on tailor-made courses.
The Institute for Jewish Policy Research predicts a significant rise in Jewish school enrollment in the UK, reaching 40,000 pupils by 2025, with a substantial increase attributed to the growth of the Charedi population.
Several Jewish schools have excelled in this year's GCSE exams, with Immanuel College achieving three times the national average for top grades and JFS seeing 55% of grades at 7 or above.
Jewish schools across the UK have surpassed national trends in A-level results despite challenges posed by the pandemic.
Ofsted believes that all Jewish schools have the potential to achieve a good rating, emphasizing the importance of striking a balance between respecting faith values and complying with government equality legislation, including teaching about LGBT+ issues.
Ort UK has expanded its successful Jump mentoring program to help teenagers prepare for the workforce.