Tag: Land Of Israel

The text argues that Judaism and Zionism are inseparable, rooted in the biblical narrative of God's promise of a land to Abraham and his descendants.
This article features interviews with four Israeli farmers who observe the shemitah year, a Sabbatical year when farming is prohibited in accordance with Jewish law.
In his book "The Israeli Century: How the Zionist Revolution Changed History and Reinvented Judaism," Yossi Shain discusses the impact of Jewish sovereignty in Israel on Jews living in the Diaspora.
Yossi Shain, a professor of political science at Tel Aviv University and a member of Knesset, discusses the impact of Israel on the Jewish people in his book "The Israeli Century."
In this discussion, Rabbi Yedidya Sinclair joins Mosaic editor Jonathan Silver to explore the importance and practice of the biblical ordinance of shmitah in Israel today.
The text discusses the interaction between Safed Kabbalah and Renaissance Italy, exploring the connection between Safedian kabbalists like Isaac Luria and the interest in kabbalah in Italy during the Renaissance.
The text discusses the concept of renewal in the Jewish New Year.
In "Seventy Years in the Desert" by Yael Zerubavel and Pnina Motzafi-Haller, attention is drawn to the complex history and dynamics of Jewish settlement and interaction in the Negev desert in Israel.
The text explores the peculiar reward promised in the fifth commandment, which declares that honoring parents will result in a long life on the earth that God gives.
"Strange Miracle" explores the intersection of Jewish faith and Christian Zionism throughout history, emphasizing the significance of the Jewish people's return to the Land of Israel as a pivotal theme.
Tu B'Shevat, the Jewish New Year of the Trees, is experiencing a modern-day appeal due to its focus on regeneration and its minimal requirements for celebration, such as no fasting or synagogue attendance.
Micah Goodman's book "Catch 67: The Ideas Behind the Controversy Tearing Israel Apart" delves into the complexities surrounding Israel's control of territories since 1967, emphasizing that the debate over these territories is not merely a practical matter but deeply rooted in identity, culture, and worldview.
In a discussion with members of the Knesset and local rabbis, an Orthodox rabbi reflects on the misalignment between American and Israeli Jewish communities, particularly concerning Yom Haatzmaut.
Rashi's well-known commentary on the first verse of the Torah asserts the Jewish people's God-given right to the Land of Israel.
The Koren Mahzor for Yom Haatzmaut and Yom Yerushalayim, translated by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks and reviewed by Shaul Robinson, explores the challenges of creating a prayer book for these occasions.
The text discusses the talmudic tractate Taanit which explores Jewish perspectives on the natural world and resources, comparing the climate and resources of the Land of Israel with Babylon.
Chaim Gans, a political philosopher and law professor at Tel Aviv University, makes a notable contribution with his book "A Just Zionism: On the Morality of the Jewish State," which revisits and refashions the liberal argument supporting Zionism.