Tag: Lebanon

Lebanon's collapsing economy and political system, coupled with Iran's support for Hezbollah, are creating a dangerous situation in the region.
Protests have erupted in Iraq and Lebanon as citizens revolt against their governments and Iran's influence over their countries, with demonstrators in Iraq specifically targeting Iranian domination of their politics.
Evan Gottesman discusses Israel's actions against Iranian proxies in Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq with Sima Shine from the Institute for National Security Studies.
Yasser Arafat's complex relationships with various factions in the Middle East, particularly with the Iranian revolutionary forces in Lebanon during the 1970s and 1980s, shaped significant political dynamics of the time.
Hezbollah tunnels discovered under a Galilee farmers apple orchard in Metula have raised security concerns as they could have been used by Hezbollah fighters to infiltrate and attack Israeli civilians.
Jonah, an Israeli journalist, shares a harrowing experience of being on a flight that had to make an emergency water landing in the ocean after encountering technical issues.
In a discussion on The Times of Israel podcast, the hosts touch on three main topics and end with a heartwarming anecdote from Israel.
In a podcast by Times of Israel Ops & Blogs Editor Miriam Herschlag, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron, the discussion covers the construction of a large wall on Israel's northern border, concerns about violence in hospitals, and the rise of co-housing in Israel referred to as Kibbutz 2.0.
Nicholas Blanford, a Lebanon expert, warns that a potential conflict between Israel and Hezbollah could result in catastrophic consequences for both sides, with Lebanon facing severe devastation and Tel Aviv being targeted.
Nicholas Blanford, a Lebanon expert, warns of the catastrophic consequences of another war between Israel and Hezbollah, emphasizing that such a conflict could lead to severe devastation in Lebanon and major targets being hit in Tel Aviv.
Matti Friedman reflects on his time at Outpost Pumpkin in Lebanon, exploring the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Hezbollah's influence in the region.
The text discusses how Israel, along with other nations, has struggled to grasp and adapt to the evolving landscape of global media warfare and information operations.