Tag: Lebanon

The text discusses the current tensions between Israel and Hezbollah, focusing on the question of whether Hezbollah seeks a full-scale confrontation with Israel and Israel's readiness for a potential conflict.
Yoram Schweitzer, an expert on Palestinian and Lebanese terror groups, emphasizes on the Haaretz Podcast that Israel must first resolve its conflict with Hamas to prevent a wider war with Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Amidst the ongoing violence in Israel, where more Israelis are being killed as the Rafah mission persists, Netanyahu has disbanded the war cabinet.
The text discusses the escalation between Israel and Hezbollah, highlighting the apocalyptic thinking and political complexities regarding potential military actions against Hamas and Hezbollah.
As clashes between Israel and Hezbollah intensify in the north, residents of Kiryat Shmona near the Lebanese border have endured ongoing rocket attacks, forcing many to evacuate and leaving the city bruised and empty.
A journalist who visited Israel after the October 7 massacre recounts a troubling and tense atmosphere in the country.
The text discusses Israel's strategic failures regarding its policies towards Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon.
William Buckley, the CIA station chief in Lebanon, spent his last morning on March 16, 1984 in Beirut following his routine before being abducted that day.
June Jordan's 1993 tribute to Audre Lorde reflects on their shared activism in the Civil Rights and Black Power movements, particularly during student protests at City University of New York (CUNY) in the late 1960s.
The cancellation of Israel's ski season at Mount Hermon due to ongoing security threats has had a ripple effect of economic hardship in the north.
The discussion revolves around the implications of a potential war between Israel and Hezbollah, seen as a war between Israel and Iran, due to Hezbollah's ties to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps.
Former Israeli General Yaakov Amidror, a respected expert, discussed Israel's challenges in a potential war with Hezbollah in Lebanon.
A recent missile strike from Lebanon into Israel resulted in the death of 1 Thai worker and injured 7 others, increasing concerns of a broader conflict.
This article recounts the experience of an Israeli soldier, Itai Reuveni, during a tense period of conflict with Hezbollah.
Tensions have escalated between Israel and Lebanon following a deadly rocket attack on the northern Israeli city of Tzfat.
Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has warned that there is a significant chance of a second front opening up in the north, alongside the ongoing conflict with Hamas in Gaza.
The article discusses the current state of the broadening war in the Middle East.
In this article, the author reflects on the possibility of Israel ceasing to exist.
Amos Hochstein, an aide to President Joe Biden and a key foreign policy advisor, is facing his toughest challenge yet.
Nine Israeli soldiers, including six in a single incident, were killed in Gaza during fighting as Israel announced a new, more targeted phase of its campaign.
Dan Senor discusses recent events in Israel like the assassination of a Hamas leader in Lebanon and the Supreme Court's decision on judicial reform, before delving into the significance of Claudine Gay's resignation from Harvard.
The UN Secretary-General's spokesperson, Stephane Dujarric, acknowledged that it was unfortunate for the UN to omit Israel's role in facilitating aid shipments into the Gaza Strip in a recent tweet, and stated that it has been corrected.
Hezbollah attacks from Lebanon have caused significant damage to the Upper Galilee kibbutz of Manara, with more than half of the houses destroyed.
The Biden administration has invoked emergency powers to expedite the sale of tank shells to Israel, bypassing Congressional review.
Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi discuss the ongoing threat of Hezbollah in Lebanon, where missiles are fired into Israel daily, prompting Israelis to consider responses to this danger.