Tag: Left Wing

Raphal Glucksmann, a Jewish intellectual and leader of Frances Socialist Party, has made significant strides in his political career, now polling at 15% in the EU elections.
The text discusses the Jewish question in French politics, focusing on the challenges faced by a French Jewish family in deciding whether to stay in France due to concerns about rising anti-Semitism, particularly from Muslim immigrants and the political rise of right-wing parties like Marine Le Pen's National Rally.
In this essay, Rabbi Shai Held discusses the challenges faced by religious Jews on the left in light of recent events in Israel.
The article discusses the question of whether U.S. military aid to Israel is a right-wing or left-wing issue.
Rachel Azaria, CEO of Darkenu and a seasoned public figure, reflects on her book "Guided Revolution," offering insights on achieving social change in Israel.
In this text, Rachel Azaria, CEO of Darkenu, Israel's largest civil society organization, talks about her book "Guided Revolution," which explores the steps towards social change in Israel.
The podcast discusses whether Bernie Sanders could have been as left-wing as Joe Biden as president and questions the dynamic of liberals creating culture wars and then dismissing conservative reactions.
Merav Michaeli, the new leader of Israel's Labor Party, is determined to revive the party and make it a home for the Israeli left.
In this edition of "The Midsummer Nights Dream (of Bibi Bygone)," Allison, Don, and Noah touch on three key topics.
In this thought-provoking piece, the author reflects on the feeling of being a stranger in one's own country, a sentiment experienced by individuals when their government's actions diverge significantly from their own values and from the spirit of the populace.
Ari Shavit's book "My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel" delves into his family history, experiences, and views on Israel, exploring the country's complexities and challenges.