Tag: Legislation

Israel recently faced a significant change when the Attorney General ruled that yeshivah students are now subject to IDF drafting, with potential consequences such as slashed budgets for yeshivos due to the loss of state funding for students designated for security service.
A new bill in California seeks to ban calling for genocide on public college and university campuses as part of efforts to combat antisemitism.
11-month-old Binyomin Kuravsky tragically died from steam inhalation and thermal burns caused by a faulty radiator in his Midwood home.
A bill that may lead to a ban of TikTok in the United States due to concerns over national security and antisemitism has gained bipartisan support, including backing from a major Jewish group, Jewish Federations of North America.
Washington state is considering legislation that would mandate Holocaust education in public schools by 2027-28.
The war in Gaza has brought the fight for LGBTQ rights to the forefront in Israel.
The text describes the devastating situation in Gaza, with references to the casualties, loss of hearing, and human suffering.
New York City Councilmember Shahana Hanif, who faced criticism for voting against a resolution to create a day to end Jew-hatred, is now introducing her own bill to combat antisemitism.
The cancellation of a book talk at a JCC in Florida highlights the growing trend of self-censorship in response to laws limiting freedom of expression.
President Yitzchak Herzog is hopeful about mediating between the different factions in Israeli society.
The article discusses how the Israeli right, led by Prime Minister Netanyahu, has employed a strategy known as the "salami method" to silence dissent and entrench the occupation of the Palestinian territories.
Three years after the murder of George Floyd, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) professionals are facing job cuts and attacks on their work.
Massive protests have erupted in Israel, with hundreds of thousands of people opposing proposed legislative changes that would weaken the judicial system and give the government control over judicial appointments.
Daniel Kahneman, a Nobel Prize-winning Israeli economist known for his work in behavioral economics, was featured in a letter signed by other top Israeli economists warning against the financial implications of judicial reform in Israel.
During the last January 6th hearing, the committee discussed the criminal referrals made to the Justice Department regarding Donald Trump.
Matt Continetti discusses the GOP's current challenges in his piece "The GOP Summer Swoon," highlighting concerns such as Republican Senate nominees falling behind, setbacks for pro-life advocates in Kansas, and Democrats making legislative progress.
In this article, Rabbi Seth Winberg argues that Orthodox rabbis need to take a stronger stance against guns, as they are the leading cause of death for children in the US.
In this episode of Halacha, Dr. Moshe Koppel, a professor of computer science at Bar-Ilan University, discusses his books Judaism Straight Up and Meta-Halakhah.
The podcast discusses how House Democrats are considering passing a large spending bill that is unlikely to pass in the Senate, a move that could provide Republicans with ammunition to use against Democrats in the 2022 elections.
Chris Stirewalt discusses the challenges Democrats are facing in a podcast, highlighting a significant setback for the party in recent elections.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed an executive order targeting the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement, requiring state agencies to divest from companies aligned with BDS.
In a discussion titled "The 'Ugly Israelis?' Edition," the hosts delve into the significance of the phrase "Never again" regarding the Holocaust, exploring the lessons Israelis should and shouldn't draw from it, along with the unique Israeli exceptionalism linked to Holocaust memory.
This piece discusses various topics, including the controversial view of some Israelis who consider a combat medic shooting an injured Palestinian terrorist a hero, a new law limiting bank presidents' salaries in Israel, and a critique of Israeli Gen Y-ers as shallow and selfish.
In a discussion hosted by The Times of Israel, Eilon, Noah, and Miriam Herschlag explore various topics, including the potential for peace accompanying the Red Sea-Dead Sea pipeline, the push for more open criticism of Israel on US college campuses by students challenging Hillel, and the question of regulating Reality TV through legislation.