Tag: Marxism

The text highlights how liberal American Jews have overlooked the mainstream presence of anti-Zionism within progressive circles, particularly on college campuses like Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), which merges diverse leftist ideologies.
The article contemplates what philosopher Walter Benjamin would think of a viral iPad ad that condenses various forms of art into a sleek tablet using an industrial hydraulic press.
The article discusses Edward Said's views on Israel and the influence of those views on academia and activism, particularly at Columbia University.
During the rise of Donald Trump, parallels were drawn by some observers between his political tactics and the nationalism of Slobodan Miloevi, the leader responsible for Serbia's violent conflicts in the 1990s.
The text argues that activists who shut down a highway in Seattle do not actually care about Gaza or Palestinians, but rather seek to cause chaos and further their larger goal of a communist revolution in the United States.
George Lichtheim, a Jewish German immigrant to Jerusalem during World War II, was a writer and journalist who gained knowledge from his weekly meetings with a group of intellectuals.
The recent rediscovery of mid-20th-century American thinker James Burnham is related to a realignment in American politics.
In a series of lectures titled "The Neutral," French literary theorist Roland Barthes explores the value of neutrality and the ways in which people seek relief from conflicts and intolerant claims.
The author discusses cancel culture and its connection to the historical coerciveness of the American Communist Party in the 1920s.
"In Dreams Begin Responsibilities" is a significant literary work by Delmore Schwartz that captures the process of its creation and its impact on a new intellectual movement.
Chad Alan Goldberg and Eliyahu Stern present contrasting perspectives on the Jewish experience with modernity.
Lionel Trilling, a prominent figure in American literary criticism, is explored through a selection of his letters in Adam Kirsch's book, shedding light on Trilling's life and American intellectual culture from the 1920s to the 1970s.
Isaac Deutscher, a former Gerer Hasid who became a prominent Marxist journalist and historian, underwent a transformative journey from his Jewish roots to a secular worldview.
Born in Zamosc, Poland in the 19th century, Rosa Luxemburg, a prominent figure in socialist parties in Poland and Germany, dedicated her life to fighting capitalism.
Vassily Grossman, a Jewish writer recognized for his dissent against Stalin and Hitler's regimes, is portrayed in a new biography as someone who once adhered to Marxist-Leninist dogma.