Tag: Mindfulness

A personal reflection on embracing the mitzvah of tzeniut (modesty) as a transformative journey from external appearance to internal qualities, shaping behavior and fostering mindfulness in observance of other mitzvot.
The author starts off by offering a special Hanukkah subscription discount and lists things that are helping to slow their heart rate amid current turmoil, such as Hanukkah festivities, music, volunteering, mindfulness, and walks in the snow.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, mental health professionals and others discuss the impact of war on mental health in Israel.
New York City public schools will now begin each day with two to five minutes of breathing exercises instead of prayer, as announced by Mayor Eric Adams.
This collection of articles from Jewish Action focuses on mental health and wellness.
Rabbi Reuven Boshnack, a Jewish educator at Brooklyn College, noticed that many students were struggling with anxiety due to real-life pressures and challenges.
Prayer in an Age of Distraction discusses the challenges of maintaining focus during prayer, particularly in an era of constant digital distractions.
The author shares her struggle with caffeine withdrawal while fasting on Jewish holidays such as Yom Kippur, recounting past experiences of debilitating headaches due to giving up coffee.