Tag: Miriam Adelson

Former President Donald Trump used the debate as an opportunity to appeal to major Israeli-American donor Dr. Miriam Adelson, who has pledged a significant amount to his campaign but has yet to release the funds.
Matan Adelson, the youngest son of Miriam and Sheldon Adelson, has taken on the challenge of transforming Hapoel Jerusalem into a prominent force in Israeli basketball and potentially an international brand.
In light of Donald Trump's felony conviction, Jewish supporters face a moral dilemma regarding prioritizing support for Israel over the rule of law and American democracy.
Miriam Adelson, wife of the late Sheldon Adelson, who previously remained neutral in the Republican primaries, has pledged over $100 million to support former President Donald Trump in the upcoming general election.
Jewish billionaire and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban is selling a majority stake in the NBA team to Jewish philanthropist and casino owner Miriam Adelson for $3.5 billion.
At the Israeli-American Council Summit in December 2019, President Donald Trump criticized American Jews who he felt did not show enough support for Israel, questioning their decisions during the previous administration.