Tag: Modern Orthodox Judaism

In an episode of the 18Forty Podcast sponsored by Joel and Lynn Mael in memory of Estelle and Nysen Mael, historian and author Zev Eleff discusses the development of Jewish denominations in America.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, comedian Alex Edelman discusses the role of humor and levity in a world that often demands seriousness.
In this collection of letters, several topics pertaining to Judaism are discussed.
In Part 2 of "A Modern Orthodox Hedgehog for a Postmodern World," the author, Gil S. Perl, delves into the concept of "Or Goyim" and its evolution to "Or Amim" within Modern Orthodoxy.
The text discusses the challenges faced by Modern Orthodox Jewish education in maintaining a cohesive religious and secular identity among students.
In response to Chaim Saiman's views on female Torah study and leadership, Sharona Margolin Halickman argues that women in American Modern Orthodox communities should be able to take on leadership roles despite traditional family structures and halakhic considerations.
In episode 122 of Leaving the Nest, Tova Mirvis discusses her memoir, "The Book of Separation," detailing her choice to leave Modern Orthodox Judaism, a community she depicted in her novels.
The Orthodox Union's recent statement on professional roles for women in Orthodox synagogues has sparked debate, especially regarding ordination of women as rabbis.
The discussion centered around the Modern Orthodox Women's Agenda in the 1980s and the challenges they faced in advancing in areas such as Torah study, prayer groups, and religious leadership.
Rabbi Shalom Carmy discusses the complexity of human decision-making and values as exemplified by Rav Aharon Lichtenstein's teachings and actions.