Tag: Nancy Pelosi

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested in an interview that Russia may be involved in pro-Palestinian activist movements encouraging politicians to support a permanent cease-fire in Gaza.
Eliana Johnson and Eli Lake discuss recent events, including the Republican primary elections and Kansas rejecting an abortion ban ballot initiative.
The 2022 election cycle has seen pro-Israel lobbying groups AIPAC and J Street endorsing candidates in a number of races across the country.
The article discusses the challenges faced by the Democratic party, including issues in Afghanistan, ongoing pandemic concerns, and the uncertainty surrounding a $3.5 trillion budget deal.
The podcast discusses Andrew Cuomo's decision to delay his resignation by fourteen days, questioning his motives and potential scheming.
The discussion revolves around Nancy Pelosi's decision to reject two more pro-Trump Republicans from the January 6 commission, questioning whether it was a mistake or part of a strategic move.
The text raises questions about Joe Biden's recent anti-Israel personnel decisions at the State Department and his refusal to engage with Benjamin Netanyahu.
In this podcast episode, the focus is on criticizing Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York, for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, with a fellow Democrat blowing the whistle on him.
This article discusses the phenomenon of (mis)quoting Scripture in American politics, highlighting examples from Abraham Lincoln, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and Mike Pence.
The podcast discusses the backlash against labeling Amy Coney Barrett as a colonizer and homophobe, despite public support for her.
Rep. Ben Ray Lujn, a Democrat from New Mexico, is running for a seat in the Senate and has received support from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Rep. Steve Israel, a prominent Democratic Congressman from Long Island, has announced his decision to retire from Congress after eight terms.